06/16/2014-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES:CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION June 16, 2014 PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir,Councilman Scott Stephens, Councilman Bilyeu and Councilman Allen Chick ABSENT:Councilman Billy Ezell and Councilman Russell Martin OTHERS PRESENT:Mike Brice City Manager,Tami Taber City Secretary and Cheryl Davenport Finance Director 1.Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. 2.Budget Workshop. City Manager gave a PowerPoint presentation. -Moved departments that were previously split between the General Fund and Enterprise Fund to an Internal Service Fund. -Most revenues in the General Fund are flat, but are slightly up in the Enterprise Fund.Property tax is up about 5%,while building permits and fees are down. -Ongoing Capital Projects include the I-35 water and sewer lines, McReynolds Road,wastewater treatment plant expansion and the Jones, Sims, Kirkland and Smith street rehabilitation. -It is projected that there will be one million dollars in reserves in both the General and Enterprise Fund by the end of 2014.The current balance in storm recovery is $242,000 and the current balance in sewer capital improvements is $279,000. -City Manager suggested raising sewer rates by 15% to pay the interest payment on bonds for the sewer plant rehabilitation, raise water rates 6% to cover a possible 3%increase in wholesale water costs and an increased cost of service,adding a fee of $2.00 per meter,per month for a groundwater district fee and a $1.00 per month to the electric base rate to cover increased transmission costs. -Suggested personnel changes include a 2% merit raise, increasing the monthly insurance stipend from $650 to $675 per employee, add a full-time employee in the Street Department starting in March, add a part-time employee in the Water Department and possibly adding a full-time Economic Development Director. The next scheduled budget workshop will be July 7, 2014. 3.Adjourn. Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:02 p.m.