05/19/1969-CC-Minutes-RegularMotion was made by Reedy and see o d Notion cart ied t ' Mayor City cretary May 19, 1969 sort o adjourn® The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Jehason and Councilmen Acker, Johnson' Cook' Ready, and Airs. McDaniel present. Mr. John Hamilton of Dalls and City Atterney'Sullivan met with the council am concerning the band election for sewer, water, and electricity revenue. to 209000 sq. 11 ft. from any lot line.Motion made by e y, s ind seconded by Cook to accept this ordinanceand carried by a 3�2 vote. Robert Courtney met with the council with the sewer plans and res®lotion asking the State of Texas for a grant. Motion was wade by Acker and seconded by Ready to accept this resolution. Motion carried. Mayor Johnson read a letter from the A"A L. P. G. Transport Co. in regard to the sorage on the Bob McClary farm West.of the freeway. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by A. Johnson to a.sk.them to move the tanks.. Motion carried. Motion was made by Ready and seconded y'Cook�'to'adj®urn" Motion carried. Maker City Secretary Jude 2, 1969 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Johnsen and Councilmen Acker, Ready, Copk, and Mrs. AicDe,niel present. A. Johnson was absent: Mr. Homer Riley met with the Council concerning the moving of the butane tanks from the. city limits, on the Bob McClary place, expressing his views.about the situation. This question was tabled as it now stands that the tanks he moved. Sammie Voss also met with the council asking for another night off and a raise in salary. This request was tabled until a later date. Mr. John Ilamilton, bond securities representative, met with the council, discussing the proceedings of the bond election, June 240. Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Ready to accept the recommendations brought by Mr. Hamilton. Motion carried. Mr. Sturdivant, of Brazos Electric Cooperative met with the Council concerning the change over to 4160 volts as of June 13, 14, and 159. A notice was to be run in the paper June 12H notifying residents that current would be out off at intervals. Minutes were read and approved with the exceptioncf rates on schools, nursing Homes, and laundries.would be $5.00.