06/02/1969-CC-Minutes-RegularMotion was made by Ready and seco _ d Motion carried. p, 4ay or IV City Mcretary r The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Johnson and Councilmen Acker, Johnson, Cook, Ready, and Mrs. McDaniel present. Mr. John Hamilton of Dalls and City Atterney'Sullivan met with the councilnsnzxi concerning the bond election for sewer, water, and electricity revenue. 1 i. � : 'a.. p a @. Y x.. a f. Y.. ". • f. Y Y f. if d. to 20,000 cY ft. /1 ft. from any lot line.Motion made by Johnson(Alto and seconded by CookY accept this ordinanceand carried by a a Ia ,.,� -.. f • Robert Courtney met with the council with the sewer plans and resolution asking the State of Texas for a grant. Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Ready to accept this resolution. Motion carried. Mayor Johnson read a letter from the A A L. P. G. Transport Co. in regard to the sorage on the Bob McClary farm West.of the freeway. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by A. Johnson to a_sk.them to move the tanks. Motion carried. Motion was made by Ready and seconded �y l'C®bk/ t� adjourn'Motion carried. s / ': . , �y MakeIr City Secretary June 2, 1969 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Johnson and Councilmen Acker, heady, Copk, and Mrs. McDaniel present. E1. Johnson was tibsent; Mr. Homer Riley met with the Council concerning the moving of the butane tanks from the city limits, on the Bob McClary place, expressing his views.about the situation. This question was tabled as it now stands that the tanks he moved. Sammie Voss also met with the council asking for another night off and a raise in salary. This request was tabled until a later date. Mr. John Hamilton, bond securities representative, met with the cougicil, discussing the proceedings of the bond election, June 240. Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Ready to accept the recommendations brought by Mr. Hamilton. Motion carried. Mr. Sturdivant, of Brazos Electric Cooperative met with the Council concerning the change over to 4160 volts as of June 13, 14, and 15�. A notice was to be run in the paper June 1212 notifying residents that current would be cut off at intervals. Minutes were read and approved with the exception of rates on schools, nursing Domes, and laundries.would be $5.00. Bills were read and motion was made by Cook and seconded by MeD niel taxpay to pay same. Motion carried. Motion was made by Aeady and seconded by Acker to transfer all but $10,000 from the savings account to the general fund. Motion carried. City Attorney Sullivan met with the council concerning an audit preparation for Mr. Hamilton, the bond securities man. Motion was made by Ready and seconded by Acker to adjourn. Motion carried. Lly-'� Mayor. At-�--� ity Secretary June 16, 1969 The City Council met in regular Session with Mayor Johnson and Councilmen Acker, Cook, Ready, A. Johnson, and Mrs. McDaniel pre- sent. htr. John Etheridge of Brazos Elec. Public Relations met with the Council to discuss issues concerning the bond election and placing a page ad in the paper and have signatures in this ad, and a letter printed and placed in the newspaper. Mr; Robert McClary and Mr. II. R. Pemberton of A&A LTG Propane of Denton met with the council concerning the storage tanks on Mr. McClary's proper- ty. Motion was made by Mrs. McDaniel and seconded by Alton Johnson that the zoning Commission be instructed to look into the roping arena on the McClary farm. Motion carried. Minutes were read and approved., City Secretary Anderson made the report on the audit report and ktr. Hamilton was sent an audit report to make a financial statement for the City. It was decided that another auditor be secured for the City. Air. R. C. Willis notified Mrs. McDaniel that he could not keep the park any longer. Jerry Johnson had apf�lied for the job and it was decided that he be given the ,job at $$1.75 per hour. The widening of 411 St; between Bolivar and Elm Sts. was discussed and Alton Johnson tics to see a Mr. J about an estimate on cutting this street back. era tom" Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn for the first session. Salary raises were discussedand a motion was made by Ready and seconded by McDaniel that Wianie Seal be given a ti$25.00 per month raise. Motion carried. Judge Iiugeles, Bill Carter and all nightwatchmeh will be asked to meet with the Council at the July 79 meeting to discuss the carrying on of the nightwatch work. All the boys employed. by the city were to meet V th the Council June 190 at 7#30 p.m, and at this meeting they were,niven a $35.00 raise and meters put on each house, With this raise, $$10.00 more per month was given to Wi i! Seal. Motion was made by Ready and seconded by Joh onet our :Motion carrieddyer s City Secretary