07/07/1969-CC-Minutes-RegularJuly 79 1969 The City Council met in regular session with. Mayor Johnson and Councilmen Acker, Johnson, Cook, and lira. McDaniel present. Ready was on vacation. Bill Carter, W. M. Waide,i&CSanimie Voss met with the council and the council asked them for better cooperation. City Attorney Sullivan met with the council to explain the calling off of the bond election. He suggested the council to wait until after the Governor calls a special session of the Legislature. Airs. Kaywin Thorn asked about the job of City Judge. The council called her and told her she had the job when the present judge resigns. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. C t n► !a :_ t t c t� t►t a► It pay same. Motion It was discussed about the ijefiyboys working for the city. Motion was made and seconded by x a s:, boys if they still vanvanted this work.► ►' Aiotion was made by Acker and seconded by Mrs. McDaniel carried. Mayor r City Secretary July 21, 1969 adjpurn. Motion it 9 1tL161I neaiI t &-Lit [vilnutes were read and approved. Phe B & B Electrical Construction bill was presented and tabled until next n. t t t , t' t' s !concerning money for bill. lie Cole met with the Council about the corral belhg installed next to his corral. about the !le said he was xx low on water pressureespecially in -be evening. The wiring of the 3rd well at theplant o discussed and it is to be wired automatically Motion was nii made by McDaniel and seconded by Johnson that commercial contractors etc. not be furnished water for hlaekt®pping. i Motion was made and seconded ibhat Judge Hughes resignation be accepted. Motion carried. Motion was trade by Cook and seconded by Acker that Mrs. McDaniel wire John L. Sullivan, City Attorney, flowers at Scott & White Hospital, Temple, Tex Motion carried. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by A. Johnson that the Mayor check with the DIM I nd the McRe nolds on a bid for buildin the fence around the otion was made by Cookand seconded.by Ackerto uniform Policemen It 0 :. nd Norman to go with the boys R select the uniforms. Motion carried.