07/21/1969-CC-Minutes-Regular�:'�� July 7, 1969 �'; � ',� i,> i B.. f. f / # :'r:. ,. ,. -:: 1 .. E 1 . 1 ® 1 a� f"". t IF ..:... ¢" ..: E f 8 1 _ 'i % f. I .. f.. 1 - ': 2 6 :. 1 Bill Carter, 1V. M. ti�'aide,�ZSan,mie Voss met with the council and the council asked them f®r better cooperation. City Attorney Sullivan �r�et with the council to explain the calling off of the bond election. He suggested the council to wait until after the Governor calls a special session ®f the Legislature. ?tilts. I�aywin Thorn asked about the job of City Judge. The council called her and told her she had the j®b when the present judge resigns. Alinutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Bills were read and motion was made by blr. Acker and seconded by 141rs. IaleDaniel t® pay same. A�otippon carried; It was discussed about the D�r� boys working for the city. blob®n was made by Norman Corek and seconded by Alt®n Johns®n to hire these boys if they still wanted this w®rk. Rlotion carried. Motion was made by Acker and seconded by lairs. �leDaniel carried. <_1 .� 6� 14layor f ���� City secretary adJ9-urn. 1,10tion July 21, 1969 "` " f 1 � 1 The B & B electrical C®nstruction bill was presented and tabled until neat meeting due to the fact that no arrangements were kn®wn c®ncerning money for this bill. - f i. �,. 1. f 1 i 'o ¢ 1 .. ' � 1 f. ° � YEs 1 `: i � � f /_ � f... t 1 � R i ! � b '. �. � II � @. t' s 1 f � <. x. i 1 t 1. t I. / �^ ". F i, 1 1 1 '. 1 i / a r f� � � 1 �1-�'c11m1 A �- ,. � ifs x �� � 1 � 1 8 � f. `� 1 1 1 f 1 f. «., E 1 ,. 1 r �- f 1. i 's #1 4_ .,' ,�. i 3 5 f 1. � � 4 e. 1 � 1 " 1 a tl °' - f 'f 1 " 1. a i o - � � � I f 1 :� � s � . a The council instructed the office that no utilities will be turned on f®r anyone until all past bills are paid, Mayor Johns®n is to check with Mr. Y®wars in Denton as to being the auditor for the city. Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Ready to adj� rn, Motion carried. � �..�._ . ;-y �� �� � City Secretary 'Aug. 4, 1969 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor pr® tam Acker .and 6ouncilmen Johnson, Cook, Ready, and airs® McDaniel present, hia.yor John- son was absent. ' Minutes were read and appr®ved. Di11s were read and motion was made by Ready and seconded by Mrs, Mc- Daniel to pay bills® Motion carriedo The council discussed getting another auditor other than one previous- ly and motion as made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to get another one. h=otion carried, Mayor rotem Acker asked that the Council give Henry Cooper a plaque f®r his 2years service as a councilmen. Motion xaa made by Ready and se- conds. by Mrs. McDaniel t® get same, hiotioq carried. Council pan Ready presented his resignation as councilman and i£ was refused, A�fotion was made by Johnson and seconded by Ready to adjourn, Motion carried. � ���� ���' �' I --f ; f=° i� fl � � �, �, Mayor ty Secretary Aug® 18, 1969 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Johnson and Council- men Acker, Johnson, Cook, Ready, and hires McDaniel present. Afinutes were read and approved. i3i11 Carter mot with the council and asked for an expense raise, Motion was made by J®hnson and seconded by Ready to pay him 50.00 per month. Motion carried. Motion was made by hire® hleDaniel and seconded by Acker to raise i►he trailer rent to �25®00 per month after these trailers move out. hietion carried. Motion was made by C®ok and seconded by Johnson that the council pass on trailers being moved into town® Motion carried. Building permits were discussed and �dotion was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to charge �10®00 for a building permit. Motion carried. �' i