08/04/1969-CC-Minutes-RegularThe council instructed the ®ffice that n® utilities will be turned ®n f®r any®ne until all past bills are paid, Mayor J®hns®n is t® shack with Mr, Y®were in Dent®n as t® being the auditor f®r the city. Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Ready to adjourn, Moti®n carried. '� �.,� ff � � G ,a �. �® � r City Secretary aa• � s a =c a � +� rP �� 8 t Aiinutea were read and approved. Dills were read and ffiotion was made by Ready and seconded by Mrs, Dec - Daniel t® pay bills. M®tioa carried. The council discussed getting an®ther audit®r ®ther than one previous- ly and motion as made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to get another one, D±otion carried. Mayor r®tem Acker asked that the Council give Flenry Cooper a plaque f®r his 2years service as a c®uncilmen, Motion sea made by Ready and se- conds. by Mra, DicDaniel t® get same. Diotion, carried. Council�an Ready presented his resignation as councilman and ii was refused® �,iotion was made by J®hnson and seconded by Ready to adj®urn, A�otion carried, � � rs�' �� � � i t ,' -; I �_ ' � r -° .,. , I' 9' fi � � � /� Mayor 5 ". �i � 1. �. »� ; � 1 r a 1 i � _ �. a 1. a a l - �: ��� o � a us � M � ►o. ;, � a � F.� � a .. � s�J: � r� s i! �� i� a s � =z� >. � ire � � � i � -R i � 1�: >.� ...: - �. � � � e i r� �� r i g a t , i� a � a r� r�. a � e ��� r e: _�e� a rm � t 11 � ., t � �- it �� �a :r. i� (', i�