11/17/1969-CC-Minutes-Regular118 with a%total as follows: Prop. 1 For 53 .Against 3 Prop. 2 " 54 " 1 Prop. 3 " 53 " 2 Prop. 4 " 47 " 8 The council voted to adopt the ordinance and to accept the votes as Judge Boydstun reported the count. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Mrs. McDaniel. Motion carried. Mr. Hamilton asked 'the council to give him authority to find sale for bonds with as low interest as possible. The council granted him permission. Bill Carter caret with the council to ask about school closing street south of the football field when having a home game. The council granted this request. The council ruled that the Fire Station is off during working hours. Motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Cool l� City Secretary limits to the city emiJlovees Mayor Octei�te� 29, 19G9 The City Corincil met in a called meeting with A�fayor Johns®n and Council- men Cook, Ready, Johnson, and Mrs. McDaniel present. City Attorney John L. Sullivan and Mr. Hamilton of Hamilton Securities met with the council to discuss the bond issue. They also went over the payr7,ents on the bonds. The Mayor asked the council to accept othe ordinance of issuance of revenue bonds. Motion was made by Ready.and seconded by Mrs. McDaniel to accept the ordinance. Motion carried. The Council also asked Attorney Sullivan to check on the McClary and Cole Motion was made by Ready and seconded by Johnson to adjourn. Motion carried. Mayor City Secretary I�ov. 17, 19G9 The City Council met in reg�zlar session with Mayor Johnson, and Councilmen Johnson, Cook, Ready, and A4rs. McDaniel present. Representatives of the Lone Star Gas Company were present anduasked for a 25% rate increase. The mayor asked for some time to study the question and would discuss same at a later. date. Motion was made by Ready and seconded by Mrs. McDaniel to adjourn. Carried. Mayor City Secretary