02/07/1970-CC-Minutes-RegularMr. Rcirarftre resigned. Johnson made motion secons1 by dabmwomt o accept ! n 1 1 116tion carried. Cook made motion1seconded,by Johnson to hire Mr. Schafer at a salary of $525.00 Three voted for and One against. Motion carried. Johnson made sa:. motion : adjourn..:. i seconded. Motion g. `" ►:. . February0 Sangere_y Council met in regular session with Mayor "`Councilmen Johnson, Cookt Ready and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Council discussed briefly a,petition d6r dwelling 1 1. 1 family 1 change o single g asked 1 � GeneHughes in Block aTierwester Survey. Itwas-decided S wait for ZoningGroup action. CouncilMinutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. discussed brieflyng Codesqin response to letter Regional Codes prepared by North Texas Council of Governments. Bills were read and approved forpayment. Council called an election to elect a Mayor and two Councilmen April _ t(Saturday) Mr. Box and Mr. Odell with Lone Star Gas Co. met with Council to further discuss gas rates. Mr. Box presented the following rates,* First 1000cu. ft. or friction thereof 2.222 gross. 2.00 net. ! over carried.Mayor Acker asked for a ruling on Lone Star's proposed rates. After iderable discussion and deliberation motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Ready to approve Lone Star's new proposed rate. Motion Council1. 1 sewer line on east side 1 an early completion of the project, diggerCouncil discussed engine drive on post hole digger and said to take action to put it in running condition. Ready suggested that the post hole was originally purchased Sherman or Denison, Motion 6.:'" made by Johnsonand seconded by `" ► 1 adjourn 4 1 carried.