02/16/1970-CC-Minutes-RegularFeb. 16, 1970 -jY� .@ t �1 11 ::. :. 3 1 .r .. '.p �:' t ::. 1. ti t f X � £. ,. .. i 1 1 1 ..- � ... �� g �- r � �°� 1 '.� 1 I` 4� 1.. 1 1 ,. ... �. 1 .:. 1 6 1 1 . 1 � :. 1: } C M ,. :. .. i � ..: 1: i.. e:. 11 �. t '" �,. .�. � e" � 1 � 1 1 1 1 x. � f � �. �.. 1 t �. . _ �. b 1. 1 „ E F.. 1 1 1 �.. � �s �.1 1". .��' �.:. 1 � 31 1. �, .. A 1 x. .,, .. .> .. �. @. 1 1 � 1 1 �. 1 :,.. 1 .,. tl li .:� 1 T � /. i. � i. i r.. T � ,� �y ,y � 1 ,� R .,, il." it '" � 1 - 1 s^ � 1 / ` i tl c R ..�. 1 � 1 1 '. a. 1 .`. 1 1 : 1� / . ,=, � / -. i �. S:. May®r City Secretary March 2' 1970 The City Council met in regular session with Councilmen Johnsen, C®ek, Heady, and Councilor®man McDaniel present® Alayor 1'ro Tem Acker was absent due to .� _' i11n®ss. A qn®rum being present motion was made by Jehns®n and seconded by A4eDaniel that Heady be appointed Mayor 1'ro Tem durini� the absence of Mayor Acker. Motion carried. A3inutes of the previous meeting were read. and apz�roved. The council discussed the request of citizens of the Northgate Addition for two fire plugs to be in�atalled ®n 8�� St. at FM R®ad 455 and on ���hga� Atorth 8 St. Mrs. A�cDaniel made a m®tion that a conunittee ®f 4 be app®inted t® study the request, as to present line size aril new lines ®f a size t® adequately handle present and future water requirements in the area. hi®tion was seconded by Cook. Motion carried.