03/16/1970-CC-Minutes-Regular1221 21 The committee of Johnson,„ Cook, Schafer, and J. P. Hampton were asked to make such a study. The Council discussed the P�ark.clean-up. Mrs. McDaniel advised that she hired Vernon Burns and'nephew to keep the city park clean; Mrs. McDaniel made a motion that a new city map, with all the new additions added be made. Motion was seconded by Cook. Motion carried. City Secretary Schafer requested approval to pay for the installa® Lion of 36 disconnects (sectionalizing) and fuse disconnects. Contract made and work completed with contract price $1800;00; The council approved of payment out of bond money. The council agreed to let 11obbs Trailer Court connect to City water since agreement had been made and lines laid. The council discussed street ditainage of various streets and asked City Secretary to contact the State Highway Department in an at tempt to get assistance in installing a culvert at Pillow and Loop 138. Motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Cook to adjourn. Motion carried. Mayor Pre Tem city secretary Alardh 16, 1970 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Pro Tem Ready and Councilmen Johnsoh, Cook and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Mayor Acker was absent due to illness. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr. Etheridge of Brazos Electric Power Coop. Inc. met with the council and extended a personal invitation to the Fifth Annual Conference,of Brazos and Interconnected Municipal Systems to be held at Garland, Texas, April 1st through April 3rd. Mayor Pro Tem Ready welcomedihe Mr. Coffey Sr. and Jr. to the Council meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Ready inquired about the results of a study by the committee regardin g fire plugs in $le Northgate Addition, The Secretary suggested that at a future date and when funds are available an engineering study will be made of the entire water system for long range planning of city growth. The council agreed and the present study was tabled for the present. City Secretary Schafer advised the council of the complete breakdown of the refuse collecting truck and the urgent need of a new truck. The Secretary handed out brochures of late model trucks now available. The council told the secretary to obtain truck prices at several truck agencies and advise. After discussion the council agreed to purchase a new 16 cu. yd, truck. The council discussed briefly the auditors meeting with office personnel recently and their advise to transfer tag sinking funds to the general fund. ` The request of the TeCo Cafe proprietress to place two trailer houses at the Cafe was approved. Benny Johnson presented specifications of a panel truck for the. Fire Department. The Council asked the Secretary to get panel truck prices as per specifications from four sales r companies, Mayor Pro `1'em Ready read the decision of the Zoning and Planning Commission of Sanger. Regarding the petition of Gene'Hughes re- questing that the Zoning Classification be changed from single dwell* to multiple -family dwelling. The said property is described as follows: Being part of Block 28 in the Tierwester Survey, bounded on the West by Tenth St., on the South .by Austin Street., on the East by Walnut. The Zoning and Planning Commission unanimously opposed said petition and recommended the City Council reject Mr. Hughes' petition. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by I Johnson that City Council reject Mr.•Hughes' petition. Motion \carried. i i I City Secretary Schafer advised the council that Mr. Courtney is waiting appoval by State Water Board of the Sanger sewer plan to mail bid requests to nine contractors. The Council asked the Secretary to check drainage at V Willow and 8 St. The Council agreed to buy uniforms for W. L. Jennings. Mr. Cook is to advise Bill Carter. The Council discussed the advisability of increasing'insurance on the steel water tower. Presently it is insured for $16pOOO.00 The Council asked the Secretary to check the amount of insurance carried by other cities in area. Motion was made by Johnston, seconded by Cook to adjourn. Motion carried. City Secretary April 6, 1970 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Pro Tem Ready, and Councilmen Cook, Johnson and Councilwoman MoDanie� present. Councilmen Cook .and Johnson canvassed the ballots of the City Election held April 40 and declared the total correct. For Mayor: For Councilmen: Kenneth Cornell 232 Jack Hall 164 Harold Easley 1 Mrs. Eunice Gray 123 Henry Cooper 42 J. W. Sebastian 86 Dick Ready 2 W. L. Bill Enlow 169 T. C. Wilson 1 Billy Gentle 9 Fred Johnson 1 Dick Ready 6 BnlGentle 1 Richard Muir 1 Kenneth Cornell was elected Mayor, Jack Hall and W. L. Enlow were elected Couincilmen and sworn in by City Secretary Schafer. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The City Secretary gave a brief financial report, and this was dis® cussed by the council.