04/06/1970-CC-Minutes-RegularBenny Johnson presented specifications of a panel truck for the Fire Department. The Council asked the Secretary to get panel truck prices as per specifications from four sales companies, Mayor Pro Tem Ready read the decision of the Zoning and Planning Commission of Sanger. Regarding the petition of Gene'Hughes re- questing that the Zoning Classification be changed from single dwell4hI to multiple -family dwelling. The said property is described as follows: Being part of Block 28 in the Tierwester Survey, bounded on the West by Tenth St., on the South .by Austin Street., on the East by Walnut. The Zoning and Planning Commission unanimously opposed said petition and recommended the City Council reject { Mr. Hughes' petition. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson that City Council reject Mr.•Hughes' petition. Motion \carried. City Secretary Schafer advised the council that Mr. Courtney is waiting appoval by State Water Board of the Sanger sewer plan to mail bid requests to nine contractors. The Council asked the Secretary to check drainage at � Willow and 89 Ste The Council agreed to buy uniforms for W. L. Jennings. Mr. Cook is to advise Bill Carter. `Phe Council discussed the advisability of inerea�ing'insurance on the steel water tower. Presently it is insured for $16,000.00 The Council asked the Secretary to check the amount of insurance carried by other cities in area. Motion was made by Johnston, seconded by Cook to adjourn. Motion carried. City Secretary April 6, 1970 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Pro Tem Ready, and Councilmen Cook, Johnson and Councilwoman �4eDanie� present. Councilmen Cook.and Johnson canvassed the ballots of the City Election held April 42 and declared the total correct. For Mayors For Councilmen° Kenneth Cornell 232 Jack Hall 164 Harold Easley 1 Mrs. Eunice Gray 123 Henry Cooper 42 J. W. Sebastian 86 Dick Ready 2 W. L. Bill Enlow 169 T. C. Wilson 1 Billy Gentle 9 Fred Johnson 1 Dick Ready 6 Ba lGentle 1 Richard Muir 1 Kenneth Cornell was elected Mayor, Jack Hall and W. L. Enlow were elected Councilmen and sworn in by City Secretary Schafer. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The City Secretary gave a brief financial report, and this was dis® cussed by the council. ME The Council discussed the cost of a new city map and it was decided to wait for a price from Bill Lanier Lawyers Title Bldg. and Al Vick$ Rayzor Bldg.' Denton. tIn ordinance pertaining to signs in $ie city limits was discussed by the council. The City Secretary was asked to obtain ordinances from Lewisville and Grapevine covering trailer houses and signs. The council discussed the city sales tax kol847.00)® Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to depod t sales tax money in the Street Fund Account. Motion carried. The Secretary gave the equipment and labor to and Elementary School. council an estimated connect electricity cost of4100. for to the High School J. P. Hampton met with council and discussed a new warning sys- tem for Denton County which will provide means of receiving all weather warnings 7 tornadoes, hurricanesq floods or any natural disaster and also nuclear attack. Motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Enlow to buy one radio unit ® approximately 135.00 for the city office. Mr. Hampton had indicated that the fire dept. would purchase one also. Mayor Cornell asked if the city is getting the proper insurance credit rating with one full time paid fireman. Chief Hampton advised the city has a good rating at present. Mayor Cornell suggested that a letter of commendation and appre- ciation and a plaque be presented to Mr. Acker and Dick Ready for tieir many years of faithful service to the city. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to present Mr. Acker and Mr. Ready with plaque and continue the practice in the future. Aiotion carried. Councilwoman McDaniel was charged with getting plaques made. The mayor opened bids submitted by various motor sales Companies for a truck for sanitation department. Councilwoman McDaniel made a motion to accept the low bid. Motion was seconded by Johnson. Motion carried. The council accepted the low bid which was submitted by the Sanger Motor Company. The following bids were submitted: Sanger Motor Company $3250.00 Hilz Ford Sales 3269.57 Bill Utter Ford Inc. 3296.52 Hanner Chevrolet 3492.20 Yazell Chevroet-Olds Co. 3395.00 Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to reject bids submitted on refuse collection bodies and ask for a new bid on a unit to be installed on new truck to be purchased by the city and request that bids are to be submitted to city for opening Fri- day' April 104. Motion carried. ,lotion was made by Johnson and seconded by Enlow that the truck be painted red. Motion carried. Earl Howard met with the council and asked for an increase in salary. After discussion Mayor Cornell told Iloward that his re- 1yest would be considered and decision made at the next regular council meeting' April 201k. Motion was made by Johnson and carried. seconded by Cook to adjourn. Motion Mayor City Secretary