04/10/1970-CC-Minutes-SpecialApril 109 1970 The City Council met in a called session with Mayor Cornell, and Councilmen Cook, Johnson, Enlow, Hall' and Councilwoman McDaniel pre- sent. Mayor Cornell read bids submitted by Cal Ballard Equipment Sales, Tampo Manufacturing Company, and Cleburne Truck and Body Sales, Inc. (Pak-Mor) for a refuse collection body to be mounted on the city trrok. The bids were as follbws: Fampo Mfg. Co. 20 cu. yd. $3935.60 less 2% 10 days delivery; Cal Ballard Eqpt. Sales, 16 cu. yd. Econopak $3600.00.. After considerabel discussions relative to operation of the unit, warranty and desirable features, Councilman Cook made a motion to. accept the bid submitted by Cleburne T & B Sales Inc., motion was seconded by Johnsp. Motion carried. Price of collection unit mount- ed is $3795.00. Delivery: maximum of three weeks after receipt of chassis.- The unit now on lease to the Citp of Sanger from Trashaway Leasing Inc. may be used free of charge if above quated delivery is exceeded. M Motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Enlow to adjourn. Alotion carried. City Secretary April 20, 1970 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Ken Cornell and Councilmen Cook, Johnson, Enlow, Hall, and Councilwoman McDaniel present. " Bill Carter, Chief of Police, met with the council and advised the council that he hired Richard 11'ayne Morris 4-15-70 to replace M. aide who resigned 4-15-70. Mr. Carter asked for cooperation of the public in'the execution of.his duties as Chief of Police. Mayor Cornell discussed law enforcement in the City of Sanger, and gave Mr. Carter authority to hire and fire police under his supervision end assume responsibility for their action. Mr. Carter told the council that the city does not need another car. Mr. Jennings and Mr. Morris will use one car, and the council agreed. Bill Jennings advised the council that friction existed between the city and police personnel. Council advised Jenning and Carter that action would be taken to correct the situation. oaches Frazier and Amyx met with Lhe council and asked for a re� 1 , it .` • 1 ! 1 � 1 -V.. otherWyx said the cost to Join WAAF is ;5.00 and i. needssary to compete ith cities.Mr. Amyx. r Y activitieslin which they will 1e involved. Mayor Cornellasked Mr. Amyx for •. estimate of the 1 s " c 1 ' the summeractivites and liability1 accidents. Mr. Amyx 3su.. ec the cost m t 30 11 00.00 and parents ^aan of liabilit If approved, the program will start June lat. The council Agreed 1 reach G decision at the next councilmeeting, John Coker met with the council and. advised the insurance rating for the past five years. The council was advised that the insurance j.dt rating was based on Ynformation given to the Texas Insurance Board in 1963. The Council asked the Secretary to write the Insurance t of the present status of Sanger operations. �� A4r. C, F, Ballard and A4r. Robert Courtney met with the council to dis- cuss recent information requested by the Texas Water Quality Board, Air. Courtney provided engineering information and additional infor- mation will be prepared by the city, Mayor Cornell and Secretary Schafer will go to Austin to present completed information to the Water Quality Board, to expedite processing of the Sanger request for a Federal Grant of $20,000®00, A1r. Courtney will furnish addi® tional information the following day, April 21st. Ord°finances of�Lewisville and Grapevine covering trailer house courts within the city limits were discussed. The council will study these ordinances and will discuss further at next council meeting, The council discussed the locking of the gates at the refuse dump area and after considerable discussion and deliberation decided to place an ad in the paper inviting applications for a refuse ground supervisor, Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Enlow authorizing the San- ger bank to charge 6� simple interest on warrants held by the bank® Motion carried; Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to accept the re- solution authorizing the Sanger Bank to loan funds to purchase refuse truck at 6� simple .'interest. Motion carried. Motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Cook to accept the re- solution that Ken Cornell' Mayor of Sanger be authorized and directed to make application and sign the necessary documents required to, complete the sewer project. Motion carried. A�otion was made by Johnson and seconded by Cook to proceed with electrical work for the southwest segment of the city, Bid sub- mitted by Lindon Carr and Dean Matlock of $$3866,35 was accepted. Motion carried. The council discussed meter reading and advised the city secretary to use best judgment in selection of personnel. Motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Enlow to change meeting time from 7 p,m. to 8 p.m. Aiotion carried. A�otion was made by Cook and seconded by hall to adjourn. Motion carried. O Kennet&�•'Co�ne�1' `Mayor •' � , W, F, Schafer, City ecretary 6