04/20/1970-CC-Minutes-RegularApril 10, 1970 The City Council met in a called session with Mayor Cornell, and Councilmen Cook, Johnson, Enlow, Hall, and Councilwoman McDaniel pre- sent. Mayor Cornell read bids submitted by Cal Ballard Equipment Sales, Tampo Manufacturing Company, and Cleburne Truck and Body Sales, Inc. (Pak-Mor) for a refuse collection body to be mounted on the city truck. The bids were as follbwss Fampo Mfg. Co. 20 cu. yd. $3935.60 less 2% 10 days delivery; Cal Ballard Eqpt. Sales, 16 cu. yd. Econopak 3600.00., After considerabel discussions relative to operation of the unit, warranty and desirable features, Councilman Cook made a motion to. accept the bid submitted by Cleburne T & B Sales Inc., motion was seconded by Johnsp. Motion carried. Price of collection unit mount- ed is $3795.00. Delivery: maximum of three weeks after receipt of chassis., The unit now on lease to the CitSr of Sanger from Trashaway Leasing Inc. may be used free of charge if above quated delivery is exceeded. hi Motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Enlow to adjourn. Motion carried. CA City Secretary April 20, The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Kea Cornell and Councilmen Cook, Johnson, Enlow, Hall, and Councilwoman McDaniel present. A4inutes of previous meetings were read and approved. Bill Carter, Chief of Police, met with the council and advised the council that he hired Richard 1Vayne Morris 4-15-70 to replace M., !aide who resigned 4-15-70. Mr. Carter asked for cooperation of the public in the execution of.his duties as Chief of Police. Mayor Cornell discussed law enforcement in the City of Sanger, and gave Mr. Carter authority to hire and fire police under his supervision and assume responsibility for their action. Mr. Carter told the council that the city does not need another car. Mr. Jennings and Mr. Morris will use one car, and the council agreed. Bill Jennings advised the council that friction existed between the city and police personnel. Council advised Jenning and Carter that action would be taken to correct the situation. oaches Frazier and Amyx met with the council and asked for a re� ,. � 1 1 � .. fi 1 1 / . 1 : ... r :.. •., it '. f Lit ". said the cost to Join WAAF :*Ls='m::'Yo5.00 and is neodasary1 compete 1 other cities.Mr. Amyx described activities in which involved. Mayor Cornellasked Mr. Amyx forc1.. estimate of the ost for the summer activites and liability for accidents. Mr. Amyx stimated the cost a t $300oOO �500.00 and parents release of liability. f approved, the program will start June lst. The council Agreed o reach a decision at the next council meeting, John Coker met with the council and. advised the insurance rating for the past five years. The council was advised that the insurance rating was based on information given to the Texas Insurance Board in 1983. The Council asked the Secretary to write the Insurance of the present status of Sanger operations.