05/04/1970-CC-Minutes-RegularMay 49 1970 The City Council met with Mayor Ken Cornell, and Councilmen Cook, Enlow, Hall, and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Councilman Johnson was absent. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Pernie Miller of Hillcrest Addition met with the council and asked that action be taken to prevent water washing through her yard. Mayor Cornell advised Mrs. Miller that the council was aware of the problem and a study would be made in attempt to correc the aituati.on, Mr. H,erringand Air of Brazos Electric met with the council and discussed present electric rates in. Sanger, Denton County Electric, T. P. & L., and the City of Denton. This was to advise the council of what other companies and cities are doing to increase use of electricity in the homes and promote all electric homes. City Secretary advised the council that information re- quested by the Texas Water Quality Board had been mailed and that Mr. Courtney would deliver three copies of present state of pre- paredness of plans and specifications to their office on May 5. The City Secretary, Mayor Cornell, and Councilman Cook ad- vised the council of action taken to pay the First National Bank for warrants held. $159788.85 was transferred from $259000.00 CD # 447 to City of Sanger General Fund to handle checks for ln- atallation of Electric lines erroneously charged to General Fund, and $2628.12 transfer from savings account to the General Fund to handle check warrants not chargable to electric equipment. This leaves one $$509000.00 and one $$7,000.00 CD and $$7,775.88 in Savings � Account. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Hall that the City of Sanger sponsor a recreation program for children. Motion carried. Mr. Cook will work with Mr. Amyx in scheduling the various activities. City Secretary Schafer advised the council that four appli- cations had.been received for city electrician and that he favored Mr. Delwin Higgs at a salary of $$600.00 per month. Other applicants wanted salary open to $670.00 per month. The council agreed to hire Mr. Higgs. Mr. Schafer also told the council that we have an understanding with Denton County Electric REA to help Sanger re- place lines in case of a serious electric outage. Mr. Wood with the State Board of Insurancef AustInt Texas )la)lant pumps, and storage. .. will advise as to changes necessary be improve insurance A letter from the Zoning and Planning Board submitted a list of possible candidates to fill seat vacated due to the resigna- tion of W. L. Enlow. Councilwoman McDaniel nominated Archie Spratt, Jack Hall nominated Glenn Lanier, and Norman Cook nominated Wayne Dickens. Dickens received one vote, Lanier received one vote, and Rpratt received two votes and was elected to the Zoning and Planning Board. ater to the farm and apprtments. Mayor Cornell was approached by a utility company to make an andineering study of our electric system. Mr. Falls advised that he and Mr. Vern Lane of Denton was Motion was made by Coo and seconded by Hall to adjourn. Aiotion Carried. ,� ,� w. Ken Cornell, Mayor �1'. F. Schafer, C y Sec'y. May 18, 1970 �, The City Council met in regular session with Mayfir'1Cen Cornell and Councilmen Cook, Johnson, Ball, Enlow, and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Minutes�of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mayor Cornell read Lewisville's Ordinance covering trailer coaches and trailer coach parks within the city limits. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to adopt the Lewisville ordinance for ,the City of Sanger. Motion carried. The Council entertained a proposal from Carlton Harry and Joe A1- braiight whereby property within the city limits could be reevaluated for tax purposes. The council agreed such an appraisal was needed for the city but tabled any action on the service until a later date. Mr. Ralph 11myx, Mr. David Frazier, and Miss i�anda Bradberry met with the council and p esented a weekly schedule for the Sanger recreation program. After considerable discussion concerning funds for the pro- gram motion was made by Cook and seconded by Ha11 to adopt the pro- gram. Motion carried. City Secretary Schafer advise prehensive general policy cov the city would be liable for, and �300,00,00 bodily liabili annual dividend of 1b116.00 ma Ar4otion was made by Cook and s ance. Motion carried. d the council that premium for a corn- ering the electric system and anything in the amount of v�100,000.00 property ty would be �$?72.00 per year with an king net annual premium �p656.00. M econded by Johnson to obtain the incur -- Mayor Cornell read a letter from Nickerson -Nickerson Iric. stating that Nickerson has recently encountered financial difficulties affecting their ability to pay obligations as they come due. Nickerson has filed a petition in the United States District CoHrt of Nebraska proposing an agreement with their unsecured creditors. Mayor Cornell read a letter from Bishop hlec�tric Inc. proposing several items that would be of benefit to the City of Sanger and eliminate noise and speeding on Fifth Street, The Secretary was asked to check with the State Highway Dept. concerning a four- way stop light at Bolivar and Fifth Streets. The council was told that the Chamber of Commerce have bids from three companies to build a community and library building. A proposal by the C C to build on the two city lots behind the City Hall `vas discussed and was viewed tivith favor. Closing of the gates at the refuse dump area was discussed and a fee of �1.00 per pickup load and 5.00 per truck los.d was agreed on for residents living in the Sanger trade area, City Secretary Schafer was given authority to hire Mr. Bill 19illiams at �100.00 per month plus exclusive rights to take all salable � junk, to supervise distribution of junk €end collect fees.