05/18/1970-CC-Minutes-Regular128 1 Motion was made by'Coolfand seconded by Hall to adjourn. Motion carried. Ken Cornell, Mayor i IY. F. Schafer, C•ty Seely, The City Council met in regular session with Maydr'Ken Cornell and Councilmen Cook, Johnson, Hall, Enlow, and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Minutes,of the previous meeting were read and approved. and ciler coach parks within the city limits.► ► ks made by Cook andseconded ► y Johnson to adopt the Lewisville ordinance for ► City of ► ► ► carried. The Council entertained a proposal from Carlton Harry and Jo® Al- br6ight whereby property within the city limits could be reevaluated for tax purposes. The council agreed such an appraisal was needed for the city but tabled any action on the service until a later date. Mr. Ralph Amyx, Mr. David Frazier, and Miss panda Bradberry met with the council and p'esented a weekly schedule for the Sanger recreation program. After considerable discussion concerning funds for the pro- gram motion was made by Cook and seconded by Hall to adopt the pro- gram. Motion carried. City Secretary Schafer advised the council that premium for a com- prehensive general policy covering the electric system and anything the city would be liable for, in the amount of $1009000.00 property and $300900.00 bodily liability would be $772.00 per year with an annual dividend of $116.00 making net annual premium $656.00. M Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to obtain the insur- ance. Motion carried. Mayor Cornell read a letter from Nickerson -Nickerson Inc. stating that Nickerson has recently encountered financial difficulties affecting their ability to pay obligations as they come due. Nickerson has filed a petition in the United States District CoHrt of Nebraska proposing an agreement with their unsecured creditors. Mayor Cornell read a letter from Bishop Electric Inc. proposing several items that would be of benefit to the City of Sanger and eliminate noise and speeding on Fifth Street. The Secretary was asked to check with the State Highway Dept. concerning a four- way stop light at Bolivar and Fifth Streets. The council was told that the Chamber of Commerce have bids from three companies to build a community and library building. A proposal by the C C to build on the two city lots behind the City Hall was discussed and was viewed with favor. 31osing of the gates at the refuse dump area was discussed and a 'e• of it ►-� pickup !x ..it 01 per truck ►:► was sg-^►. 3chafer wasauthority to hire Mr. Bill Williams11 11 month ► s rights to take all salable al junk, to distribution of ► { The Secretary presented a list'iof properties that taxes should be in- creased to be more in line with value of properties, b4otion was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to transfer $$7775.55 from th=e savings account to the City Utilities Revenue Fund. Motion carried. R9otion was made by Johnson and seconded by Cook to adjourn. Motion carried. 1 /1=,),PI ,j ) r t V. F. Sc ofer Ca.ty Secretary June 1, 1970 I�en:'CornelT 91 Mayor The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Ken Cornell and Councilmen Cook, Johnson' Hall, Enlow, and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Virgil H. Ward, Jr. presented a plat of the V. H. Ward, Jr, sub -division on 6.51 acres in the H. Tierwester survey A 1241. After discussion with Mr. Ward and City Attorney J. L. Sullivan, Mayor 6orne1l enter- tained a motion to accept the sub -division as presented, provided Me Ward builds and gravels the streets. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by McDaniel to accept. Motion carried. City Secretary Schafer advised the council of the State Certification of Water and Sewage Works Operators adopted by Texas `'dater Quality Board, The order is effective June 1, 1970 with first report July 25. Arrangements have been made for Mr. F. C. Bowman to attend the Regional Utilities Short School at the University of Texas at Arlington, June 8999& 10, Secretary Schafer asked that Mr. Bowman's classification be changed to Supt. of Water and Sewage Works and that his salary be increased from 435 per month to $500. per month. Motion was mdde by Cook and seconded by Johnson that the classification be changed and salary increased to $$500. per month. Motion carried. Mayor Cornell gave a brief report of the North Texas Government meeting held at Arlington recently. Secretary Schafer advised the council that Delvim FIiggs got a small sliver of glass in his left eye while changing a street light bulb, May 25. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to pass an Arson Re- ward Ordinance in the amount of 4250.00. Motion carried. The city will receive a 2% credit on the key rate by the State Board of Insurance. Jotion was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to up�date the Arson otion was made by Ci / and seconded by Johnson to adjourn. M{ 1 :. 1 l ' 1 Secretary