06/15/1970-CC-Minutes-Regulare.h5, 1670� The City Council met in regular ession Frith Mayor Cornell and Council- men Cook, Johnson, Hall, Enlpw, 4 and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Minutes of the previous meting were read and approved. The situation .at the city dump ground was discussed. The Secretary ad- vised the council that Air. `C"�illiams asked for an increase in salary from $100• to $140. per month. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Hall to pay $140.00 per month. The Secretary advised the c.ouncil that Delwin Higgs has not return- ed to work. He was to see the Dr. and insurance agent this date. Requirements of the State Certification of Water and Sewer Works operators was discussed. Secretary Schafer asked for authority to have Mrs. Williams, City of Denton Chemist, to handle laboratory work necessary to meet the states requirement at a fee of $60.00 per mo. Councilwoman McDaniel asked the secretary to check with the Denton County Health Department to ascertain if the lab services could be obtained in their department. The secretary was given authority to proceed. The council agreed the city police car should be used to take samples to Denton. The 1962-1 ordinance on.dogs was discussed and council agreed that the ordinance should be enforced. Mayor Cornell advised the council that the 6ommunity Public Service Elect. Company has completed the survey on the city electric sys- tem and wanted to meet with the council at an early date. The council agreed to meet on hour early at the July 6 regular meet- ing to consider their offer Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Enlow to invite Brazos to make a proposal to operate the city electric system. Motion car® ried. The council discussed briefly an ordinance to cover I#ve stock within the city limits. No action was taken. Motion by Johnson and seconded by Cook was made to adjourn. Motion carried. 6 CIA rf r Ken Cornell, Mayor