07/06/1970-CC-Minutes-RegularJuly 6,;- 1970 1 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Yuen Cornell, and Councilmen Cook, Ball, Enlow and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Councilman Johnson was absent. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. L;onstuu,Le Uar-uer WE 1 ann asneu una mes /► r .. Jennings.ton be hired to fill kR the vacancy made by the resignati 0 Lon of Bill .Suggested salaryof .,>411 11 per month and that Pennington t days per week.► agreed to pay $400. per month days per week9Pennington > physical exami� nation before r work on a sixty day trial basis, Henning, Division a . r g Secretary and 1 ► Ir D. Woofter, vice�presldent of ►ti- i unL1 ► ret with the'council and presented and offer of 611,110to the,City of Sanger for the Electric Utility system operated by the city in and adjacent to the City of Sangero lnclud� ing the power plant and the building and tract of real property occupied by power s and ► community by the itycl ► ► ►._ rfacilities which occupy private property. The offer is conditioned upon the issuance of a franchise for a term of 50 years. Mr. Woofter prem sented the offer and advised that 6ommunity Company personnel will meet with the council or any group to answer questions after council has hadtime to studyr offer will remaineffective �VARIWA _ 1 i r ► r 4. « Uouncil ol Uovernments will provide lau service to small cities Tor $389.00 per G which includesall - and assistance in pre� paring- forms. The service is contingent upon a numberof x. requesting Phe Department of the Interior Federal Water Pollution Control Board 1 T ► G. be considered Mayor Cornell suggested that the city designate an area where fire works may be shot by residents and suggested the ball park. The council will give some thought to the suggestion. Mayor Cornell said that Celebrity Mfg. Co. is using First Street and said that no formal action by the council was necessary to close the street. Operation of the sanitation desposal area and the dog ordinance was discussed briefly. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Enlow to adjourn. Totion carried, aFj,y; City Secretary P