07/20/1970-CC-Minutes-Regular1 I July 20, 1970 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Ken Cornell, and Councilmen Cook, Johnson, linlow, Hall and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read And appoved with the exception o of one correction, sixty day probation period before hiring Pennington permanently. City Attorney Sullivan met with the council and advised council of pro® cedure necessary to annex land according to Article 974, cities,with population under 2,000. Council was advised that the arson reward placards arrived and would be placed in six public places 7-21-70. Motion was made by McDaniel and seconded by Cook to obtain membership - to the Sanger Chamber of Commerce. Motion carried. Secretary Schafer advised councilthat Bruce and J. H. Anthony, builders in the Bucklew-Freese Addition asked the city to gravel the street in front of their proposed building sites. the Council agreed that street work is the responsibility of the builder. The city will furnish the first 1001 of sewer and water lines. Building of modular -pre fab homes which are approved by FHA was discussed by the council. It was agreed by council that there was no objection to building such homes. The council agreed to let Mr. Vern Lane and Mr. Falls to tie their 3" water line into the city water line on the Fast side of the city on the cemetery road. Mr. Albrecht and Mr. Harry attended the Council meeting. Air. Albrecht agreed to obtain information for a city master and other government.assis Lance available to small cities. Motion was made by Johnson and seconded by'Cook to adjourn. 11otion carried. /' Aubust 3, 1970 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Ken Cornell and Councilmen Cook, Johnson, Enlow, hall, and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. corne3b lots and extending sewerand water lines, Mr. Aaron Yeatts met with the council and asked the council to consider extending sewer line to his building 1 . on old Hiway 77 South edge of n ! Denton ! Mr. Harry met with the 'I. Mr. Albrecht 1 presentedinformatione s z 1 r The City Secretary advised that 8394' of streets have been covered with asphalt and gravel at a total cost of $6013. - $.716 per ft. The Secretary also advised the council that Aug. 2nd the city used and average of 2069000 gallons. Maximum rate 272,000 and mini- mum rate of 174,000, Councilwoman McDaniel discussed water and sewer needs in the south central section of the city. Nine families who live in this area have septic tanks and two are served by a one inch water line and that this situation has existed for several years. Mayor Cornell said that hopefully with the assistance available to the city that these inequities can be corrected. treet corners . • councilman Johnsonadvised that it would be xAmmixnecessary to hand treat and coat the corners. The city mployees will ► ► the work. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by McDaniel to adjourn® Afotion carried. Mayor City Secretary s � 1 The City Council met in regular session with Aiayor Cornell and Councilmen Cook, Hohnson, Enlow, Ball and Councilwoman McDanel present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved® petition signed by 26 citizens asking the council to tak fire hazard on a lot described as being East of Albert Bearden ind North of the Holder lot was read by Mayor Cornell and was dis� ussed by Council and Attorney J.L. Sullivan. After delibeia� �ion the council asked See.Schafer to talk toHarris ttempt to get him to take actionto correct the situation, _" t ► ► ► • Motion as made by Councilwoman McDaniel and -seconded by Cook to proceed wit}i :the annual audit of the city books® Motion carried. Sec. Schafer advised the council that the city with the help of McForrest of Brazos has completed the information necessary for the Texas Industrial Commission to use in their computer Service for Industrial Development. The information will be available to various industries desiring a location. Air. Coffey asked permission to move a trailer coach on his lot. The council agreed to abide by termas of the trailer ordinance99 which will not permit a trailer coach within the city limits other than on a licensed lawful trailer coach park. Council rejected Hollingsworth Mfg. Companies request to rent space in the city trailer coach park for storage space. The council was in agreement for the Fire Dept. to purchase a new panel truck. The fire department will provide specifications and advertise for bids - the city office will assist.