09/08/1970-CC-Minutes-RegularThe City Secretary advised that 8394' of streets have been covered with asphalt and gravel at a total cost of 6013. - .716 par ft. The Secretary also advised the council that Aug. 2nd the city used and average of 206,000 gallons. Aiaximum rate 272,000 and mini- mum rate of 174,000. Councilwoman McDaniel discussed water and sewer needs in the south central section of the city. Nine families who live in this area have septic tanks and two are served by a one inch water line and that this situation has existed for several years. Mayor Cornell i said that hopefully with the assistance available to the cit=� that these inequities can be corrected. i The council discussed rounding out and topping newly completed street corners and councilman Johnson advised that it would be nn�in�xnecessary to hand treat and coat tkre corners. The city employees will do the work. Motion was roads by Cook and seconded by A�eDaniel to adjourn. Motion carried. s r Mayor ., , City Sesre p � 1 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Cornell and Councilmen Cook, Johnson, Errlow, hall and Councilwoman McDanel present, A4inutes of t}ae previous meeting were read and approved. r. . _ i ! 1 ��- 1 - � _ 1 i 0 ^ , i ���! � 1 1 r.- � ,, .. _. i a 1 1 ! Motion as made by Councilwoman McDaniel a.nd.seconded by Cook to proceed arith 'the annual audit of the city books. Motion serried. i i 1 � 7 � S ' 1 S i k 1 A4r. Coffey asked permission to move a trailer coach on his lot. The council agreed to abide by termer of the trailer ordinance " which will not permit a trailer coach within the city limits other than on a licensed lawful trailer coach park. Council rejected lIollingsworth Mfg. Companies request to rent apace in the city trailer coach park for storage space. - z � � � �� 1 1 � a l l :�! s n, i ! 1 ,.. Alotion was made by Coolc and seconded by Johnson to write a letter to the Fire Department expressing the councils appreciation for the dedicated and effecient way in wlaseh the department is oper- ated. A4otion carried, A9otion was made by Councilwoman AicDaniel and seconded by Ball to reject the offer made by Community Public Service to purchase the city electric distribution system. Aiotion carried. Sect'. will advise by letter. The Council discussed Brazos Electric Coop's proposal to operate the city electric distribution system, but decided to wait until t e city annual audit is completed before making a decision® Aiayor 6orne1l briefed the council on the proposed Duck Creek Lake a.nd the possibility of Banger's use of water for the city and recreational purposes. A3ayor Cornell advised the council of a meeting in the near fu- ture with Rev. heed and citizens of the East area of city to improve conditions there, Motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Cook to'adjourn, Motion carried, � � % �� / r � � -'' �. Alayor �� � City Secretary Sept, 21, 1970 The Eity �iOl1nC11 met in regular session with Alayor Cornell and Cottncilmen'.Cook, Johnson, Enlow, Hall, and Councilwoman AieDaniel present® ` Alinutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A4ayor Cornell advised Council advised the council of the electric trouble at the plant caused by the recent 12 hour wind and rain of the storm Celia. It was necessary to change out the city busi- ness and the Bolivar switches, The council agreed to abide by building ordinance on apaeing of residences on lots, Request by Firs, Sons for an exception to ordinance was rejected. Tlae Council diseus�ed the State Board of Insurance key rate for the City of Sanger, The 2,� decrease in premiums after the 250. arson reward placards were .posted and the possibility of inel�d- ing dispatchers ��nd fire chief as full time firemen to further reduce the lcey rate. Sect' Schafer is to discuss with the City Attorney. Fire Chief J. P. IIampton, David Plum, and Pete Isbell met with , the. council and discussed advertising for bids for a new panel truck. David Plum presented 3 proposals to improve the efficiency of the fire department and prevent traffic at the fire locations, A proposal approved by the State Board of Insurance to install telephones in each of Cite volunteer -firemen's homes was consider- ed to be ttie most efficient and less expensive of the three pro- posals presented. .Alotion was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to install the telephones. Aiotion carried.�� It will talce 12 to 1S montns to install these telephones,