09/21/1970-CC-Minutes-RegularMotion was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to write a letter to the Fire Department expressing the councils appreciation for the dedicated and effecient way in Tisch the department is oper- ated, Motion carried, Motion was made by Councilwoman AicDaniel and seconded by Hall to reject the offer made by Community public Service to purchase the city electric distribution system, A}otion carried. Sect'. will advise by lettero The Council discussed Brazos Electric Coop's proposal to operate the city electric distribution syrstem, but decided to wait until t'e city annual audit is rornpleted before making a decision® Aiayor 6orne1l briefed the council on the proposed Diiek Creek Lake a.nd the possibility of Sanger's use of water for the city and recreational purposes. A�ayor Cornell advised the council of a erecting in the Hoar fu- ture with Itev. Reed and citizens of the East area of city to improve conditions there® Motion was made Motion c�rriede / ='1 City Secretary by Johnson and seconded by Cook to'adjourn® � / 5� � � ��, r> ,aF,; >>. ���� �a �. � ., w�. e. �,r ' ��� Mayor Sept® 21, 1970 The Eity t:ouneil met in regular session with Mayor Cornell acid Councilmen�;Cook' Johnson' Enlowy Ha11, and Councilwoman A4eDaniel present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A4ayor Cornell advised Council advised the council of the electric trouble at the plant caused by the recent 12 hour wind and rain of the storm C®lie® It was necessary to change out the city busi— ness and the Bolivar switches. The counoil agreed to abide by building ordinance on spacing of residences on lots. I-tequest by Airs, Sons for an exception to ordinance was rejected. The Council discussed the State .Board of Insurance key rate for the City of Sanger. The 2`� decrease in premiums after the 250® arson reward placards were .posted and the possibility of incl��— ing dispatchers and fire chief as fu11 time firemen to further reduce the lcey rate. Sect' Schafer is to discuss with the City f�.ttorney® . Fire Chief J. P. Iiampton' David Plum' and Pete Isbe11 met with , the council and discussed advertising for bids for a new panel truck. David Plum presented 3 proposals to improve the efficiency of the fire department and prevent traffic at the fire locations® 11 proposal approved by the State Board of Insurance to install telephones in each of the volunteer firemen's homes was consider— ed to be the most efficient and less expensive of the three pro® posals presented, ,Motion was made by Cook grid seconded by Johnson to install the telephones. A7otion carried®� It will take 12 to 1S rvontns to install these telephones® ,' Adr. Virgil Surd met with the council to discuss development of the Virgil Ward Jr, Addition, Water Supt. Bowman advised the council of the necessity of install® ing 6301 of 6" water line and 2401 of S" sewer line to serve the addition, Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to lay the lines. Motion carried, Air. Ward told the council that he would start immediately to lay the 6" water and 8" sewer line to reeve the entire addition. Mayor Cornell briefed the council of the progress made by Mr, Coffey in his effort to assist the city in providing water for future. The Secretary is to talk to the City of Denton concerning Sanger participation in the Aubrey Lake. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by carried. Mayor \/\i VIIL Gd to adjourn. Motion TheCity Council met in regular session with the R±ayor Cornell and the following councilmen: Cook' Johnson, Fnlow, & Hall and Councilwoman bieDaniel present. Afinutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. City Secretary Schafer advised the council that Mrs. Homer Riley, repre® renting the PTA asked the city council to take necessary action to relieve traffic congestion on Willow Street to the football park and 10a St. mornings, evenings and at the football games. After considerable dis- cussion the council asked -be street department to explore the possibility of widening 10111 St. to relieve the situation, The Secretary advised the council that �.he Texas State Water 4u,,lity Board had not yet released the Sanger sewer treatment plant plans for bids® Jr. Robert Courtney met with the council and dircussecl the sewer and water lines for tie «'ard Addityion. Aiayor Cornell asked Mr. Courtney to ,ob® tain ordinances from bhe cities of Denton and Lewisville covering new additions and development of new additions, Constable C. C. Carter asked the council to hire Jerry Mitchell on a monthly basis and discontinue using George AicCracken. If hired, bfatchell will be used iCxaxtixxn as relief for vacations for dispatchers. Mayor Cornell will discuss with hir. Carter and bring to council for a decision, Two bads were recieved on he Panel Truck published two consecutive times in bhe Sanger Courier, Mayor Cornell opened and read the bids. Hilz Ford Sales, Pilot Point bid on I ton 1971,Truckwas w$2886.60 Sanger Motor Cc Chevrolet 3/4 ton Panel Truck bid was $2745.80 After discussion with the Fire Department personnel concerning specifi® cations it was decided by the Fire Depat. to accept the bid from Hilz Ford Sales. Mation was made by Cook and seconded by Hall to accept the Hilz Ford Sales bid. Motion carried. Mayor Cornell i lira. Chairman Friends of 1' Texas.* first of -the year they will ask the commissioners