10/19/1970-CC-Minutes-Regularfor fifty dollars a month on the salary and asking clubs of the city to match the city. After discussion the council asked the Secretary to obtain additional information from the commissioners concerning aid_ before making a decision, Mayor Eornell advised the council that the key insurance rate or 1971 would be increased 5%. The council discussed briefly the Brazos proposal to operate the City Electric System and will wait until the annual audit is completed for a decision. ��otion was made by Johnson and seconded by carried. City SecYretary Cook to adjourn. Aiotion y 74 3 October l9, 1970 `1'he City Council met in regular session with Mayor Cornell and Council- men Cook, Johnson, Enlow, & Hall and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Secretary Schafer advised the council that Mr. Harry would start the property evaluation for tax purposes Wednesdayn and that'the city map should be completed in time for tax use. Mayor Cornell suggested and council approved the purchase of twenty five large maps. The Mayor asked the council to name personnel to serve on the equali- zation board and brim to the next regular. meeting. Each councilman was furneshed with the subdivision rules and regulations of the City of Denton to consider as a future city subdivision guide. Mr. Jack Bowman and Air. V. R. Ward, Jr. met with the council to dis- cuss water CkLA sewer lines for the and Addition. After discussion motion was made by Cook and seconded by Enlow to replace 6301 of 2" water line (in bad condition) with 6" line, following the city ez- isti.ng rules of furnishing 100' of 6" sewer line, and assess a fee of $75.00 for all future sewer line connections. Motion carried. See. Schafer, advised the council that the city has lost income at the Simms Apta. by occupants Moving out without paying their bills and suggested that utility depoait be increased from �25.00 to $35,00, The council agreed to the increase. Mayor Cornell and Schafer advised the council of the need for an emer- gency study of the water and sewer systems, a surface drainage sur- vey and a location for a new water well Motion was made by McDaniel and seconded by Cook to obtain cost estimates from,consulting engineer. Alotion carried. After discussion a request by Friends of the Library for 50.00 per month to employ a part-time employee at, the library was tabled. Request by Bill Carter to employ Jerry Mitchell full tipe was dis- cussed. The council agreed that Mayor Cornell has authority to hire personnel and schedule the pilice patrol to provide maximum pro- tection for tie city. Motion was nacle by Johnson and seconded by Cook to adjourn. Motion carried. ,, '® _ Mayor