11/02/1970-CC-Minutes-Regularisi The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Cornell and Council — :.,men Co k9 Enlow9 Hall and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Councilman Johnson was absent. hli.nutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Phe council discussed the necessity of after the property reevaluation for .tax to serve on the board were Gene Hughes9 J. W. Bucklew and Virgil Ward. Council candidates in an attempt to get three city equalization board to serve purposes. Names of candidates H. K. Armstrong9 I-larold Easley9 members will contact the to serve. City Secretary Schafer read a letter dated Oat. 269 1970 from the Texas State Department of Health approving plans for -he sewer treat— ment plant. Mr. Bob Courtney is working with the City Secretary to determine the proper approach or what should be included in (he Engineeer study of the water and sewer systems and a survey for surface drainage, k1so to select a location for a water well. Fire Chief Hampton uret with the council and advised that +lre ne�v van had arrived and described the radio and public address system and beacon lights that will be installed at a cost of approximately 415.00. AIr. Hampton told the council that the fire department would be short on funds and asked that the city pay half of the equipment cost. h£otion was made by Cook and seconded by Hall to pay half, of the $415.00. Motion' carried. City Gecretary Schafer gave the council the streets that are current- ly being prepared for paving. Estimated total footage 9125' at a cost,of approximately $7300.00. Secretary Schafer gave the council indicates that the city has bills approximately 9159439 in cash and a brief financial report which in the amount of 249731 with in the bank with 9292 to pay at a later date. Alotion was made by Enlow and seconded by Hall to change meeting time' from 8 p.m. to 7s30 p.m. Motion carried. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Enlow to adjourn. Motion carried. b�ayor The City Gouncil met in regular session with Mayor Cornell and. Council- men Cook9 Johnson9 Enlow9 and TIa119 and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. hr. Bryan Goodger of Central Telephone Co. met with the council con- cerning a rate increase in telephones. He brought ststistics and this was discussed and tabled until the request could be studied. Mr. Cornell expressed apjreciation ofthe Telephone Co trying td come up with the city's future growth. Mr. Goodger said this would be an increase of 933.00 per month in Sanger9 if granted.. Mayor Cornell and Councilman Cook reported that they hard met with a school group concerning the school taxing city property. The mayor gave an expense account of what the city had furnished for hhe new school buildings. This group also discussed a combination of the school and tax departments