11/16/1970-CC-Minutes-RegularNovember 29 1970 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Cornell and Council® .men Co k, Enlow, hall and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Councilman Johnson was absent. Ali.nutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The council discussed the necessity of after the property reevaluation for .tax tA serve on the board were Gene Hughes, J. W. Bucklew and Virgil Ward. Council candidates in an attempt to get three city equalization board to serve purposes, Names of candidates II. K. Armstrong, narold Easley, members will contact the to serve. City Secretary Schafer read a letter dated Oet, 26, 1970 frcm the Pexas State Department of health approving plans for -be sewer treat® ment plant. Mr. Bob Courtney is working with the City Secretary to determine the proper approach or what should be included in he Engineeer study of the water and sewer systems and a survey for surface drainage. �'Uso to select a location for a water well. fire Chief Hampton met with the council and advised that-ilre new van had arrived and described the radio and public address system and beacon lights that will be installed at a cost of approximately $415.00. Asir. Iiampton told the council that the fire department would be short on funds and asked that the city pay half of the equipment cost. Motion was made by Cools and seconded by Hall to pay half, of the $415.00. Motion carried. City Gecretary Schafer gave the council the streets that are current- ly being prepared for paving. Estimated total footage 9125' at a cost.of approximately $7300.00. Secretary Schafer gave the council a brief financial report which indicates that the city has bills in the amount of $$24,731 with approximately $159439 in cash and in the bank with 9292 to pay at a later date. IL4otion was made by Enlow and seconded by Hall to change meeting time from S p.m. to 7sat) p.m* motion carried. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Enlow to adjourn. Motion carried. Ile r pe rp? ire" s Mayor City Secretary The City Co'ancil met in regular session with Mayor Cornell and Council® men Cook, Johnson, En1ow, and Ha11, and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr. Bryan Goodger of Central Telephone Co. met with the council con® cerning a rate increase in telephones. He brought ststistics and this was discussed and tabled until the request could be studied. Mr. Cornell expressed apireciation ofthe Telephone Co trying to come up with the city°s future growth. Mr. Goodger said this would be an increase of 933.00 per month in Sanger, if granted. Mayor Cornell and Councilman group concerning the school expense account of what the his group also discussed a T Cook reported that they had met with a school taxing pity property. The mayor gave. an city had furnished for the new school buildingse combination of the school and tax departments ��o and use the same tax assessor -collector. Air. Bob Courtney met with the council and reported that he had contacted the �6'ater (duality Board and tlxey in turn would contact the Federal Z�. �® B, and when answered bids could be advertised. Plans need to be made for future growth. Someone is to check with 1Villie AicCarty as to the Rrum man bringing gar- bage here to the city dump for on17 5.00, since the Krum dump grounds were closed due to health reasons. Aiotion was made by Johnson and seconded by Cook Carr ied. �Vinn�e Seal, Sec. pro tem Dec. 7, 1970 to adjo�'rn. Motion `9 � � ,...:. � ktayor ` The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Cornell, Cook , Jolznson,Lnloxv, Hall and Councilwoman AlcDaniel present. Aiinutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Dir. Bryan Goodger of Central 'telephone Company met with the Council and pre�eni;ecl .�„�l;onn�e� x;e�r�eli. rate schedule for, the City of Sanger; b�ir. Goodger said Central Telephone Company would spend v�584,000 in Sanger over the next 5 years and that loxv rates in Central's area waselcPepin� the company from securing a loan to make improvements. He said Ponder, Rr' and Boyd lzad approved the rate increase. fir. �', D. Bishop appeared before the Council to protest the rate increase. Rir, Bishop said that the rate i.nc�case xvas entirely too much to ask for. Mayor Cornell said he felt the Company xvas justified in asking for the rate increase. He said the proposed rates in comparison with ether areas were not out of .line. He said he would personally recommend that the Council give consideration to approving the new rates so Central could secure the needed funds for capital improvements. Central'sproposed rate incr.ea.se was tabled for another two weeks while councilmen consider the costs, Brazos operation of the City Pslectric System was again discussed. A�tayor Cornell. said an agreement had been reached with the Company for operation of the system but a few sma�� points sti11 remained to be worked out. 11 proposed contract xvas presented fire City by Brazos officials late in �_ugust, Rga.yor Cornell and. Sec. Schafer have been meeting Brazos itx an attempt to reach an agreement. iviotion xvas tuade by Cook seconded by ' Johnson that htayor.6orne1l and Sec. Schafer negotiate a contract with Brazos to operate the City ?,�lect.ric S,ystetn. Motion carried. Sec, Schafer told the Council that Carlton Harry Rc:�.asociates began the re-evaluation 'of all taxable property Saturday. Airs. Judy Selptx met with the Council seeking authority to organize are animal. shelter to replace the dog `pound. She said that an animal shelter could help find homes for dogs picked ixp by,City employees. tvia.yor Cornell told hits. Selph that the ,City would cooperate in her effort to establish an independent animal shelter. Motion was made by Johnson - seconded by Gook t.o ad 'ota n. Atotior�°`�carraed,.; .��