12/07/1970-CC-Minutes-Regular��o and use the earns tax assessor -collector. Mr. hob Courtney met with �t,he council and reported that he had contacted the 1Vater f�uality Board and they in turn would contact the Federal l�'. f�. li® and when answered bids could be advertised. Plans need to be made for future growth. , Someone is to check with 14dillie AleCarty as to the $rum man bringing gar® bags here to the city dump for onl7 5.00, since the Drum dump grounds were closed dll� to health roasoris. A9otion was made by Johnson and seconded by Cook parried. ' �^ r * �r to adjo�'rn. A�otion � s� 1 a� ��s� Mayor The City Council met in regular session with A4ayor Cornell, Coop , Jolinson,l;nlo�v, hall and Councilwoman McBaniel present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr. Bryan Cxoodger of Central Telephone Company mot with the Council and pre�erc�;eci .;���op��erl �Pyi�e{1 rate schedule for,. the City of Sanger® Atr. Goodger paid Centx°a1 Telephone Company would spend �5h4,000 in Sanger over the next 5 years and that l.ow rates in Central's area walekeepin� the company from securing a loan to make improvements. 1-[e said Ponder, Kr' and Boyd had approved t)ie rate increase, Mr, T. B, 13i_shop appeared before the Council to protest the rate increase. Plr. Bishop said that the rate increase was entirely too much to ask for. Alayor Cornell said he felt 'the Company, was justified in asking for the rate increase. He said the proposed rates in comparison with other areas were not o'�.t of line. Be said he would personally recomr,iend that the Council_ give consideration to approving the new rates so Central could secure the needed funds for capital improvements. Central'sproposed rate incr.ea.se was tabled for another two weeks while councilmen consider the costs, Brazos operation of the Ca.ty 1�lectric �yystom was ag.:�,in discussed. Alayor Cornell. said an agreement had been reached with the Company for operation. of 'the system but a few gma�$ points still rerf�ained to be worked out. proposed contract waq presented the City by Brazos officials late in �._u�°ust, Alayor Cornell and >ec. Schafer have been meeting Brazos in an attempt to reach an agreement. Afotion was made by Cook seconded by' Johnson. that Alayor.6orne1l and ec. �Schafe.r negotiate a contract with Brazos to operate the City l�lectric System. Afotion carried. Sec, Schafer told, the Council that Carlton Ilarzy R� �.ssoci.ates began the re®evaluation 'of all �ta,xable property Saturday. Airs. Judy Selph met with the Council seeking aU.thority to organize an animal she,l.ter to replace the dog "pound. She said that a,n animal shelter could help find homes for dogs picked up by,Ci.ty employees® Ala.yor Cornell told Airs. Selph that the ,City would cooperate in list effort to establish an i.ndependerit animal shelter. Agotion was mado by Johnson _ seconded by Cook to ad 'otn. A9otionr�'scarrxed,.., �' r-' 6 � � '_ "; �: - ;�-