12/21/1970-CC-Minutes-Regular138 Dec. 219 1970 The City Council met in regular session ith Mayor Ken Cornell and Councilmen Cook, Johnson, Enlow, and ]Tall. and Councilwoman McDaniel present, Minutes of the previous nadeting were read and approved with the ex- ception of one correction, The council discussed the proposed telephone rate increase presented by Air. Bryan Goodger of Central Telephone Company at, the last regular council meeting, Dec. 79 1970. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to reject -the proposed telephone rate increase. Motion carried unanimously. Sec. Schafer asked the council for a Lion for services rendered for city ftlotion was made by Cook and seconded increase in compensation be allowed carried unanimously. ruling on additional contpensa- employees for the month of Dec.. by Mc -Daniel that a fifteen dollar for the month of Dec. Motion Brazost praposal to operate the cit;,� eleetri.e system `vas discussed at length. See. Schafer advised the council of the operational pro( cnditres agreed on by Brazos personal, Mayor Cornell and Sec. Schafer. Meter reading, billing, inventory of equipment, supplies and line accessories total value of -the inventory to be paid by Brazos 1mounted to $8,074.63. Brazos' offer to purchase the hole digger truck for i�750.00 was approved by the council. The hole digger will be the property of Brazos Electric and charged by the hour when used in San- ger. Purchase of the inventory by Brazos will be used for Sanger Electric System only. The Brazos office if approved by the Council will be located in the former City hall across the street from the present City hall. Motion was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson to accept the Brazos proposal to operate the City Electric, Hystem and authorize Rlay or Cor- nell and Secretary Schafer to sign lie contract. Pvlotion carried unanimously. Patel Henderson and 1Vayntond Townser met with the council. Patel in- quired about the possibility y provic}ing a retirement plan for city employees, and a group hospital medical plan for city em- ployees. Sec. Schafer advised Paul of the Commercial Travelers Life Insurance Hospital_ plan now available. Mayor Cornell advised Paul hat if a sufficient number of the employees requested another group policy Travelers Insurance Company or one of their choosing would be called to meet with the employees and discuss group insurance' and that a retirement plan for employees would be considered by the council. Mr. Bill iwitze.r met with he council and thanked citizens of Sanger for their support in eleetin.g him sand expressed. a. r}wire to assist Sanger and surrounding area i.n Problems related to the County Com® missioners Office, holy. Norman Cook discussed. digs within the city limits and talked of the increasing concern o:l' citizens of slags running loose in -the city. h,tr, Cock advised that the cost to city for each "flog was to 3.00 plus food exr)ense while in the city pound, and that a charge of 1,83.00 should be charged when and if anyone who wishes to vaccinate and provide a home with the understcandirag that, the city dog ordinance will be compl"ied wa th . Motion was made by Johnson ffieet�i�g time from 7:30 p.m. Riotion was made bLY and and. seconded t0 7;00 p.m. seconded by Jo by Cools Motionan hnson to change the council carried. to adjourn. Carried.