08/18/2014-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 18, 2014 PRESENT:Mayor Pro-Tem Scott Stephens,Councilman Billy Ezell,Councilman Gary Bilyeu, and Councilman Allen Chick ABSENT:Mayor Thomas Muir,Councilman Russell Martin OTHERS PRESENT:Mike Brice City Manager,Cheryl Price Deputy City Secretary,Megan Piercy, Eddie Piercy, Don McClure, Rachel Roberts and Gary Henderson with United Way. 1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation,and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Pro-Tem Stephens called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.Councilman Bilyeu gave the Invocation,followed by Councilman Chick leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2.Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed three (3)minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). Don McClure 217 N. 7th ST, Sanger Texas was recognized and asked about drainage improvements in his neighborhood.City Manager Brice advised Mr. McClure he would meet with him regarding his drainage concerns. CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approval of Minutes: August 4, 2014 –Regular City Council Meeting b) Disbursements c) Approve Lee Allison to Planning and Zoning Place 1 d) Approve Kerry Baldwin to Library Board Place 4 e) Approve Lee Allison to Board of Adjustment as an Alternate f) Approve Eddie Piercy to Parks Board as an Alternate g) Approve Proclamation #09-18-14 United Way “Live United Month” A Motion was made by Councilman Ezell,seconded by Councilman Stephens to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion was seconded by Councilman Chick.The motion carried unanimously (3-0,Vote called by Mayor Pro-Tem Stephens; Mayor Muir and Councilman Martin Absent) 4.Consider any Items Removed From Consent Agenda. There were no items removed from the Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5.Conduct a Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget for FY 2014/2015. The Public Hearing was opened for any proponents, opposition and comments at 7:18 PM. Don McClure 217 N. 7th Street, Sanger,Texas was recognized and inquired if there were any drastic changes or unusual items added to the budget that were not in last years budget.Mike Brice advised that there were no drastic changes or unusual items in the proposed budget. There being no further proponents, opposition or comments the Public Hearing was closed at 7:19 PM. 6.Conduct First Public Hearing on a Proposed Increase of the Ad Valorem Tax Rate from 0.655000 to 0.6795 per $100 Taxable Assessed Valuation For Fiscal Year FY 2014/2015. The Public Hearing was opened for any proponents, opposition and comments at 7:20 PM. Eddie Piercy, 108 Jackilu Street,Sanger,Texas was recognized and asked if the increase would be used for roads? City Manager Brice advised that the proposed tax increase of 1-1/2 cents is basically going to go for more road maintenance. There being no further proponents, opposition or comments the Public Hearing was closed at 7:21 PM. 7.Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Supplemental Agreement No. 2 for the Consultant Services Agreement With Pacheco-Koch for the Design of Water and Wastewater Improvements for I-35 North Inceptor Line. City Manager Brice summarized that this Agreement is for two different things; the 1st is for the surveying for the proposed line up to McClain’s RV; the second piece is the surveying they had to do on the east side of I-35 where we found lines that were not located on city maps. The lines were put in by city workers and not mapped in the late 1990’s.Another original line that they first found;not mapped, runs up to KT’s and was put in around the 1960’s. A Motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu, seconded by Councilman Ezell to approve the Supplemental Agreement No. 2 for the Consultant Services Agreement with Pacheco-Koch for the Design of Water and Wastewater Improvements for the I-35 North Interceptor Line.The motion carried unanimously (3-0,Vote called by Mayor Pro-Tem Stephens; Mayor Muir and Councilman Martin Absent) 8.Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Resolution R#08-07-14 Authorizing the City’s Participation in a Coalition of Similarly Situated Cities in Proceedings Before the Railroad Commission and the Texas Legislature Related to the City’s Authority to Effectively Review and Regulate Utility Rates. City Manager Brice summarized that in the 2013 Session of the State Legislature that there was a big push (including Atmos)to take regulation of the utilities away from the cities and give it to the Railroad Commission, exclusively,to set rates. There are already bills being formulated to do the same thing in the 2015 Session. This Resolution authorizes us to become part of the group and allows them to go and fight those issues at the State Legislature. A Motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu, seconded by Councilman Chick to Approve Resolution R#08-07-14 Authorizing the City’s Participation in a Coalition of Similarly Situated Cities in Proceedings Before the Railroad Commission and the Texas Legislature Related to the City’s Authority to Effectively Review and Regulate Utility Rates.The motion carried unanimously (3-0,Vote called by Mayor Pro-Tem Stephens; Mayor Muir and Councilman Martin Absent). 9.INFORMATION ITEMS: a) All American Dogs Report –July 2014 b) ATMOS ENERGY Update to Conservation and Energy Efficiency Tariff c) ATMOS ENERGY Rider GCR –Rate Filing Under Docket No. 10170 There was no discussion on the Information Items. 14. Adjourn. There being no further business,Mayor Pro-Tem adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.