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01/04/1971-CC-Minutes-RegularThe City.Bounci.l met in regular session with Mayor Cornell and Councilmen Cook, Johnson, Enlow, and Hall and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, Sec, Schafer advised that Loyd Bucklew was concerned. about the window broken in his store recently and the problem of the bread storage box on the sidew"lk in front of the bus station, Alr. i3ucklew has experienced. con® siderable damage to his place of business by destructive action of bus station patrons pushing the bread box into his building. Mr. l3ucklew asked the city to take action to prevent future damage. ® request by J, .VV. Buciclew to move a 20' x 40' sheet iron building baeic of his residence to store building material for his new home was approved by council for temporary use only, A4r. J, 1'. IXampton met_ wii;h the council and discussed the need of a $sire Chief at the Fire Station and the duties necessary to maintain the equipment at the present standard of service, Air. Hampton agreed to continue as Fire Chief temporarily. Sec, Schafer advised the council in insurance companies covering wnrkmans compensation and liability insurance and that the volunteer fire department was not covered. An additional premium of 1292.50 per year would cover fire personnel. After discussion motion was made by McDaniel and seconded by Johnson to discontinue the presently pledged fi500®00 per year to the Denton City®County health Dept. budget to pay premium to cover the volunteer fire dept. Motion carried, sec. Schafer is to advise the Denton.�City®County Health Dept, of the necessity to discontinue the pledge. Benny Johnson, Johnnie Looper, and Larry Klein, volunteer firemen met with the council and discussed the fire dept. in general and asked council to consider hiring a full time fire chief. Mayor Cornell asked the group to sugo-est a candidate to fill the position. No further action was taken concerning the fire department. Sec. Schafer advised the council that the third quarter sales tax amounted to 2544.96 . Sec. Schafer asked permission to transfer :�5872.00 from the special fund to pay bills for eciuipment and accessories for the electric system, A4otion was made by Cook and seconded by McDaniel to approve the transfer. Alotion carried unanimously. t,lotion was made to adjourn. Motion carried. Mayor City Secr`e-Ear,y January 1S, 1971 The City Council net in re{rular session with hfayor Cornell and Councilmen. Cook, Johnson, ?;nlow, and 1Ia11 and Councilwoman AlcDaniel. present. Minute's of the previous meeting were read and approved. Sec. Schafer advised the council that Air, A. C. Walters on FM 455. Mr. Lester Marshall and Mr. L, It. Martin of Boliver requested a written release from Sanger's Electric System in order that Denton County REE1 could provide electric service for their homes. After discussion con- cerning Sangers investment in the Bolivar segment of the system. No action