02/08/1971-CC-Minutes-RegularFEBRUARY 8, 1971 The City Council met with. TGiayor Cornelli`; and vi.th Councilmen Cook9 Johnson, Tlall9 1+,nlow and, Councilwoman Ricl)aniel present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and app °oveci. 6'ec. chafer asked that an ELECTION BE CALLED ON THE THRID DAY OF April for the purpose of electing three councilmen. Motion was made by Cook and seconded. by Johnson that an electiovi be called. otin ocarri Med. Motion was made by Cook and. seconded by F1a11 that Mr. Butler Boydston be appointed election judge and firs. Vergie l effley alternate judge. Motion carried. i Mr. David Plum representing the Volunteer Firemen met with 'the Mr. David Plum representing the Volunteer Firemen met with 'the E i C Council. and again discussed the need of a fu11 time gtaalified Fire Chief and suggested. the duties t }rat would be required of a Fire Chief, �.fter considerable discussion A}ayor Cornell told Afro 1'1Lutr that he believed that the Counc l will have arrived at a decision by tlae next regular meeting Fob. 15th. bee. Schafer advised ttre Council of a letter from a Law firm in Gainesville asking the City of Sanger for a settlement of alleged damage to a tree on F3ert Odour's property by City equipment® Alotion was made by Cook and seeondecl by hall to investigate the claim of Air. Odom and for City llttorney J. L. Sullivan to so advise the Gainesville Law firrr�of the Council's decision. Alotion carried.. Alr. Jack Gheen requested city assistance to attain a, permit from The Texas State highway Department for relocation of a 2 inch wader line along State lIiway 13�3 immediately south of the south city limits. The line is used by tkie city to furnish water t,o Conoco' Enderby9 F, E. �lkers9 Jack Gheen, lIugh fate and tVylie Cutler. Alotion was made by Cook and. seconcled.by.Johnson that the City of Sanger assist Air. Gheen relocate the water line, Motion carried® Air. Lester A}arshall of Bolivar met vri.th the Counci_1 and requested a written release from the Sanger Electric System in order that he may be served. by yonton County N.o E, �. System® Ilfter considerable discussion Air. Afiarshall asked the Council to vole on the request �No councilman voted. No action was taken by the Council® Air. Coffee asked the Council for proper r�rocedure and requirments necessary to dedicate a street to the City® A"r, J, L, Sullivan � City attorneys provided the information requested by }w}r0 Coffee® A}ayor Cornell told. the Council that additional names. should he added to the list of names proposed by the Council to servo on the City Equalization Hoard a.t tyre Novo 2nd council meeting® }vlro harold Easley and }�lr. Virgil 1Vard declined to serve on the [3oardo Air. Yeatts and Alrsa harry Ky.l_e were added. to the list of names previously proposed. Sec® Schafer was asked to contact each one in the order gi�ren and attempt to get three to serve on the }3oarda A}ayor Cornell read a letter from Sewe11 and Fortis A:�torneys at Law of Decatur9 't'exas regarding Central `ielephone Compan y's recent proposals to the City Council of Sanger concerning a proposed. increase in telephone rates �+ri.thin the cityof Sanger. Air. Cook made a motion seconded by Johnson to accept the proposed revised telephone rates, 73-1 <�9®00 to 11050 h-1 5.25 to f , ].O li,-2 4 , 25 to 5 0 00 R-4 3,75 to 4,50 13-Ext.l.50 to 1.75 Il-Ext.1, 00 Pdo change Alotion carried . Cook, Johnson F]a119 P.icDaniel For En]_ow - abstained Gene Iiughes asked the Couneil..to consider opening 12th Sty from Bolivar to }iughes Council as}ced Schafer to ascertain if -citizens on the street want it openedo Alotion made by Jo}rnson seconded by cook to adjourn, Alotion carried.o r� _� �c..� y ->�r f' (,