03/01/1971-CC-Minutes-Regular1.4 4 0 Feb. 159 1971 The City Council met in regular ,session with Mayor Cornell' Council- men Johnson' Inlow and CouncilwomanMcDaniel present. Councilmen Cook and Hall were absent. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.® i'he Council .discussed opening of 12th St. from Bo1_i.vt�.r Street to Hughes Street as requested by Gene Hughes. tire Hughes indicated that he would gravel the street if opened by the city. Motion, was made by Johnson and seconded by McDaniel that the City open. 12th Street if tire )lughes will gravel the street. Motion carried.® City Sec. advised the Council that hir. Yeatts agreed to serve on the City Iqualization Board and that hire He K. Armstrong declined to serve. hir. Plum met with the Council and again discussed. use of the t,elephone system that will be placed in the homes of volunteer fireman, sir. J. li. Coffee met with the Council and presented a proposal to sell to theCity of Danger the bank building now occupied by the First National Bank including furniture and some equipment. The sale price is $639000. The Proposal- rJ?he bank will exchange their property for warrants issued by the city for an amount equal to the sale price. The bank will pay the city210.00 per month which is equal to 4% annually of the sale price.. The offer will become null and void after 60 days from this date. The proposal was distributed to each member of the Council for study. Motion was made by Johnson and seconded by I;nlow to adjourn. Motion ce.rri Med, �y /•,i 1 7, ; y hi�rch 1, 1971 The City Council rnet in regular session with Mayor Cornell, Council men Cooky Joixnson' )�nlow � Hall and Co}�_tacilwoman hicDauiel present. Minutes of the previous meeting were ,read. and approved. Sec. Schafer advised The Council. that Mr. Yeat,ts, agreed to serve on the City Equalization Board. Air Gene Hughes and Mr. J. we Bucklew declined to serve Mr. Hughes said lie would serve if the city vas unable to mmrvn get another to serve. Sec. `chafer told the Councilthat the telephones were connected to serve the Volunteer l++ire Dept. personnel and operating procedureswere presented by Mr. Plum. j ,I i Alert Gas Inc. presented an application for a building permit to be located at 8th and 455 street6'for a filling station and. a Drive ®In grocery store with �ivi.na quarters. Motion was made by Cools seconded by Johnson to table the: request for :further study. Motion carried. Sec. Schafer�is to go to Fort Worth to see one of Alert's Stations now in operation and report�to the Council at next regular Council meeting Mar,15th. Attorney J. L. Sullivan told the Council the Filling station and. store were not it) violation of the ordinance as it is now zoned. Carlton harry gad valoretxi tax consultant told the Counel that 35% of property within the city limits has been evaluated andput on cards. Mr. Harry said that he is on schedule with the evaluation of property and all work will be completed. and ready forthe Equalization Board by June lst 1971. t"Dater and Sewer lines to serve the I'resbyteriam Church and. new addition in the west section of the City were discussed. Aloti.on was made by Cook and seconded by Johnson that special concession be granted the church and that the city lay the 450' of sewer line tojkujhe church. Motion carried. Sec. Schafer aslred for a ruling concerning sanitation collection where other utilities are used by city residents. The Council agreed that sanitation is made available with utilities and that a charge should be made. Air. E�obinson9 Leonard �Ierring and. Lindetx Carr o� Brazos :Glee. met with the Council and Air. Robinson briefed the Council on the operating budgets capital improvements budget and projected payments to the city for the year of 1971. Air. Robinson also presented a bQi11 to of pauc.60,04 for power purchased and. Br€�zos from August 1970 to Jan. Ist Cools and seconded by McDaniel to pay in full. Motion carried. ity i the Cn the a -mount servi.ces rendered by 1971. `lotion was made by the bill presented by Brazos He gave a comparison of high School Elec. rates of the City of Sanger 9 Community public Service and T. P. � L. Installation of a sewer line to the south east section of the city wa.s discussed. Alotion was made by Johnson seconded by Cook that a survey be made to determine where the line should be made to serve that section of the city. Motion carried® 1lpplications of Gene Hughes to build. houses at 602 9th and I'lutn streets a,nd 50G Pram Street were approved b,y the Council® Sec. Schafer was instructed to issue the permits. Alotion was made by Johnson and seconded by Cook to adjourn, Motion carried.