03/15/1971-CC-Minutes-Regular1 1 6 March 159 1971 The Council met in regular so sion with Mayor Cornell, Council® men Cook, Enlo*, Hall and Cou cilwoman. McDaniel present. Councilman Johnson was absent. Rninutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. hrr. Carlos Brown of 7th and Marshall asked the Council to take action to have live stock removed from the lot adjoining his home. Attorney J. L. Sullivan told the Council that a prior discussion on stock control was one animal per 20,000 sq. ft. and 100 feet from any lot l.ine.p but an ordinance was not passed. ?Mayor Cornell asked the Secy. to advise Billy Joe Gray that the City had received a complaint concerning; the stock and ask himp to move the stock. Secy. Schafer advised the Council that the Texas State Dept. of Stealth has main approved plans for the Sewer Treatment plant and has advised the Federal Water (duality Board. Bob Courtney is now od the opinion that may advertize for bids in the next few days. Fire Chief J. P. Hampton x,�et with the Council aril advised that the Volunteer Fife groups of all Denton County cities voted to discontinue their effort to persuade the Denton Co. Corrrnissioners to increase the aid for County fires from ''120.00 to $50.00 and requested that the City officials meet with the County officials in an attempt to get the increase. Councilwoman A�cDaniel told the Council that a traffic hazard and a blocking of the street situation existed on Qth street in front o•f the high School and Gym. at times when school activities were in progress. Mrs. McDanie�stre§sed the need of an open 1_.ane at all times in case of ire or the need of an ambulance. after discussion it was' decided that Councilmen meet with tie school officials in an effort to solve the problem. tlr. F. M. Eggert of 210 liillcrest requested permission to operate a carpet cleaniri. business from his home. �3fr. P��ert stated that he would have' a small storage and receive calls at home only. after discussion permission was granted by the 41, Council as long as he does riot viol -ate zoning requi inlrements. J III� it r. Van Meter asked the council.. for approval to operate a Gift S1nop at his home west o� 35E . The Council tabled. the request pending additi6nal informati..on. Secy. Schafer announced that he wished to resign from the Secy, jots ,but, that he would stay until after the election if the Council so desired. Potion was made by McDaniel seconded by Mall that a letter of commendation and appreciation be given Secy..,Sehafer for services the past year. Motion carried. Motion was made by Hall and seconded by Cook tq jounn. S,9otiorz carried `�