04/05/1971-CC-Minutes-Regular1 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Cornell, and Council® men Enl owt' H a 11, a n d C o u n c i l w o m a n M c D a n i e 1 present. Councilmen Enlow and Hall canvassed he ballots of the City Election held on April 3, 1971 and declared the total correct, as follows: For Councilmen Guy R. Bennett 114 Henry Cooper 142 Mrs. Eulalia McDaniel 195 Tommy Chapman 120 . Billy E. Gentle 176 II. K. Armstrong 115 Eulalia McDaniel, Billy Gentle and Henry Cooper were elected councilmen ��- and sworn in by Secretary Schafer. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mayor Cornell read a letter from Judge Tom Todd concerning withdrawal of contributions to the City -County health Unit. After discussion motion was made by McDaniel to rejoin theCity-County Health Unit and the motion was seconded by Cooper. Motion.carried. Mrs. Waide Herd met with the council and asked that action be taken by the council to stop trash blowing from Kirby°s Cafe into their yard. Bill Carter was told to ask Mr. Kirby to provide a rock for garbage cans that would prevent trash from escaping. Mayor Cornell advised the council of the need to widen the bridge on the cemetery road and told council that the county would share the cost.. After discussion concerning the size and problems involved in the installation. It was decided to gather additional information before making a decision. Secretary Schafer told the council of another delay by Federal Water Quality Board concerning the sewer treatment plant. Mayor Cornell read a letter frog, John Coker concerning insurance key rate of the City of Sanger. Mr. Coker advised that a lower key rate could be obtained byadvising the State Board of Insurance of the tecent shange to the telephone fire alarm system and by hiring a full time fire chief. Mr. Cooper suggested that the dispatchers be classified as paid firemen. Mayor Cornell read a letter from Colonel R. S. Kristoferson announcing a meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m. April 3011 in the Civic Center Community Building in Denton concerning establishing the dam site for Aubrey Lake. Several councilmen will attend. Mr. David Plum met with the council and again discussed the need for a full time fire chief and the need to send two firemen to school at Texas A. & M._ The cost of the course will be approximately $150.00 each. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Hall to send two fire men to the school at A. & M. Motion carried. Mr. J. W. Sebastian gave the council a resume of his qualifications for the City Secretary job and asked a salary of $833.00 per month. Mayor Cornell read three applications for the City Secretary job. The council took no action to hire a secretary. Motion was made by McDaniel to change the meeting time from 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Motion was seconded by Cooper. Motion carried. Motion was made by Enlow and seconded by Hall to adjourn. Motion carried. Mayor 7 t,v ,eerc,t�rsr ---