04/19/1971-CC-Minutes-Regular148 April 19, 1971 The City Council met its regular session with Mayor Cornell, and Councilmen, Gentle, Bill Enlow, Cooper, Hall, and Councilwoman Mc- Daniel present. Others present were Winnie Seal, J. W. Sebastian, Jack Bowman, Ralph Cole, Bob McLaughlin, and C. C. Carter. Minutes of the previous meeting were read with due corrections. made an offer but this offer was rejected. 461 e Cornell concerning the sewer system. He also reported -on a call from Jr. ! 9 a system 1! at 5l Wells that capable of «. . !. care of 300,000 gallons of disposal and is manumo agreed to have Ballard and Courtneyat .. meeting tb enlighten councilthe on the system. C. C. Cartery City Marshall met with the council to see if another man could be hired. Two men (Carter & Mitchell) are full time and one manit Gainesvilleg Mr. Kaylorgwas hired , Carter to relieve Jerry Mitchell two nights per week. Mr. Carter said he would like to have $450.00 and Mr. i $450.00 and Mr. Mitchell use the city The Brazos Eleetric��l report for. the month of p'ebruary and for the year (Jan. & Feb.) was read by the Mayor. A letter from Mr. C. F. Ballard concerning the sewage, water, and drainage and agreed to help with the problems in any possible way.. Councilman Gentle brought up the discussion of digging another water well. This was tabled for the time being. Mayor 6ornell appointed heads of the various departments as follows: Street -----------Cooper Water & Sewage ----------Gentle Parks --------------McDaniel Police -----------Carter Fire-----------Enlow We are to pay McKinney & Denton the $950.00 we still owe him for street work. Mrs. McDaniel reported about the dogs tearing up Mrs. Walter Greene's garden, yard, etc. ' Motion was made by Enlow and seconded by hall to have the necessary' monies from the Utility fund to the General Fund. Motion carried. Motion was tirade by Mrs. McDaniel and seconded by Hall to purchase new street signs for the new streets being opened and for the streets East of the tracks. Motion carried. rk Motioniwas made by McDaniel and seconded by Cooper that we continue P. 7! 1 1 6T f 1 !- 1 Mr. Jimmy Sebastian presented his view as to the need of a City Secre- tary,after his discussion with Mr. Cooper about the situation. He said if he doesn't make hia salary it would be time for him to resign. Mr. Bob McLaughlin, Chamber of Con+merce president expres ed his opinion as to the qualifications of Mr. Sebastian. After discussion motion was made by Hall and seconded by McDaniel that Sebastian be hired as City Secretary at the salary of $833.00 per month. Mo-. tion carried. Mr. Sebastian went over some ideas he had for the City a4l Appropriation and use of City Funds. Procurement of State and Federal Funds Make all meetings in area and out of area when possible Get with Mr. Courtney concerning the sewage plant. The possibility of a new water well The Federal Road maintenance we might receive. Using school students in summer time for work on streets Budgets reports - a financial statement and warrants for each month. City personal management,- policies and procedures. To implement evaluation of each employee All employees will work an 8 hour day Communication category - to come through the city office Expects 100% support in°keeping policies. Relationship between employees is to be good. As councilmen - before committments are made, see City Secre® tart' through City Office. Instigate a complaint form and give a written answer as to action$ $50.00 extra compensation for her extra time since Mr. Schafer left. ?ark3*Lng problems at the Assembly of God was discussed, Aotion was made by Enlow and sedonded by Hallto d' City Secretary fay, 3, 1971 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Cornell, and Councilmen Enlow, Cooper, 1Ia Gentle, and Councilwoman Eulalia AfcDaniel present. Others present were Jack Bowman, Ralph Cole, Bob Courtney and David Plum. The bills were studied and discussed. The Aiylar map bill was dis- cussed and it was agreed that these should be paid. The fuel bill was discussed by Secretary Sebastian and the council vas told that the oil Ors being changed now at the cess pool. Enderby Butane Co. has offered to put vehicles on butane gas at .140 per gallon. Mayor Cornell advised the secretary to persue the fuel deal on bids for gas or the use of butane. A letter was received from the auditors saying the Interest and Sinking Fund is to be raised rsiontt�ly from *1rz99.30 to �uy1620.83 As of past policy Street Commissioner Cooper is to receive !a35.00 per month. Delinquents were discussed and all but seven have paid their delin- quent,bills. Councilman Cooper, Mayor Cornell, and Secretary Sebastian are to talk to 11. It. Chatfield about the big bill he owes the city. Robert Courtney, Engineer for the sewer plant was present and discussed the types of treatment for a sewer plant, whether race -track or Can- TexSystem would be better. Money wise we are within five to ten thousand dallars. A figure of $42,000 on equipment plus installation was given. Air. Courtney feels for some reason the Federal Uoverni,rent is against the race -track system. The Can -Tex System was discussed in detain. Mr. Courtney was asked to give us by May 17, 1971 what a turn-