05/03/1971-CC-Minutes-Regularmay, 3, 1971
The City Council met in regular session with Aiayor Cornell, and
Cot,neilmen Enlow, Cooper, hall, Gentle, and Councilwoman Eulalia
AgcDaniel present. Others present were Jack Bowman, Ralph Cole, Bob
Courtney and David Plum.
The bills were studied and discussed.. The Mylar map bill was dis-
cussed and it was agreed that these should be Maid.
The fuel bill was discussed by Secretary Sebastian and the council
was told that the oil Ts being changed now at the cess pool. Enderby
Butane Co. has offered to put vehicles on butane gas at .140 per
gallon. Mayor Cornell advised the secretary to persue the fuel deal
on bids for gas or the use of butane.
A letter was received. from tie auditors saying the Interest and
Sinking Fund is to be raised monthly from 1399.30 to o1G20.S3
As of past policy Street Commissioner Cooper is to receive $135.00
per month.
Delinquents were discussed and all but seven have paid their delin-
quent bills.
Councilman Cooper, Mayor Cornell, and Secretary Sebastian are to
talk to 111. R. Chatfield about the big bill he owes the city.
Robert Courtney, Engineer for the sewer plant was present and discussed
the types of treatment for a sewer plant, whether race -track or Can-
TexSystem would be better. Money wise we are within f1rive to ten
thousand dallars. A figure of $42,000 on equipment plus installation
was given. Mr. Courtney feels for some reason the Federal G'overnignent
is against the race -track system. The Can -Tex System was discussed in
detain. Mr. Courtney was asked to give us by May 17, 1971 what a turn-
® key job would cost.
Amounts of at�.surance policies were read from Colter 1�.gency and Pate
Agency. l�'e are due to pay Pate Agency �615.46 btzt this will not be
paid until he 'reimburses the city .�g300, plus . I'remituns were reviewed
by SecretarySebastian. The Secretary was nnstructed !�o find out the
cost of collision on the three fire vehicles and sn additional
�$20,000. on the City Ball and Poet Office building.
\��otion was made by Cooper anal seconded by Tkall to raise utility
deposits to �$25.00 .for' renters --and' p15'00'-'`for homeowners. Aiotioti
Motion was made by Cooper and seeoncled by 1;nl.ow that businesses be
raided to $$25.00 and cafes stay at 4$50®00. Aiotaon carried.
The digging of a new water tvoll was discussed, Gene Tull[lison has been
con-t;acted abotatt this, but no report ltas been received.
A�iotion was made by A4rs. McDaniel and seconded by Gentle -that we ask
for bids on a water well, with Reba pump. Riotion carried.
Authorization was given to the City Police that they could go out-
side the city limits if necessary.
Bill )nlow suggested that Secretary Sebastian study with the council
policies and procedures for present and needed ordinances.
Aotiott was made b,y Cooper and seconded by Gentle that Dr. Chapman
be ap]?ointed Realth Officer. k�iotion carried.
Annonnceutent of the North Central 'texas Council of Government,
�Uecinesclay Aiay 19',: 1971 would be held at Six flags.
Nickerson farms have taken the banlcruptey law and John L. Sullivanf
� City 1�ttorney has said that utilities have precedence over other
Secretary Sebastian discussed the Labor Act Law and told the goup
that the timecards are being used at the present.
It was found out last week that a Neighborhood Program for .Adults
.and Student 5t'ork could be used in Sanger, beginning June 1, 1971, at
$1.60 per hour for i2 hours work,
R9a,yor Cornell gave a report of the dam site meeting at the Civic
Comnnznity Center in Denton. `There were four F,roposed sites given
and Aiayor Cornell said that itt the future we should show our favor-
itism to the clam.
As a duty of tlae A�iayor to bring up fire subject of resolutions, Ire x�a,
read a. resolution commending Brazos Electric S,;Tstem as folloers:
Due to the unjust criticism from some outside source tvktieh
neither contributes to or participates in our community be�-
terment, we, the City Council of Sanger feel it our duty to
again reaffirm our 100� support of the Brazos Electric Company
in the operation of our municipally owned electric system.
The citizens of Sanger are 100� owners of this electric sys-
tem and deive 100� benefits from its operation. `1'he Sanger
Independent School District is also owned 100jo by the citizen
and is operated for the benefit of all the peop:te of the
The unselfish citizens of this area who contribute their
tame and money to the betterment of both the school district
and 'the laity of Sanger are to be highly commended.
Due to the fact that the Brazos, Electric System and its em®
ployees have acted in Sanger's excellent tradition of concerned
citizens assisting and promoting the City of Sanger and the
Sanger,School District, the City Council wishes to commend
them, and the City Secretary is instructed to have this
Resolution published in the Sanger Courier, so t at other
concerned citizens may know that their elected- representa-
tives are very satisfied and Proud of the Brazos Electric
Ken Cornell, Mayor
j Bill Enlow
Jack hall
Mrs. Eulalia McDaniel
Henry Cooper
Bill Gentle
Unanimously passed this the 3rd day of May, 1971.
Motion was made by McDaniel and seconded by Cooper that the resolution
be passed. Motion harried.
A�ayor Cornell r•eeeivecl a telephone call during the session concerning
dogs running loose about town, and he was informe<:l by the Secretary
that they were being picked up as fast as reported, or the owner was
talked to if a complaint had been filed.
David Plum, representative of the fire Department was present and
expressed appreciation to the City for their concern of the Fire De-
partment. The fire Department is to have a dinner at Toromy's,
May 134, 7 p.m. wii;h the Mayor, Council, and City Secretary being
Motion was made b,y McDaniel and seconded by Hall to give Jerry Mitchell
a av ,00 raise. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by d:%all to adjourn. Motion carried.
City Secretary
May 17, 1971
The City Cc:�tncil met in regular session with Mayor Cornell, and Councilmen
Enlow, Hall, Cooper, Gentle, and Councilwoman hie Daniel present.
Others present were City Attorney John L. Sullivan. Jack Bowman, John Coker,
llaron Yeats, Mrs. Larry Kyle, Ralph Cole, Robert Courtney, Gene Hughes,
Secy. Sebastian, Miss Winnie Seal, and Mr. Carlton Harry, Tax Consultant,
along with a group of Girl Scouts, Elizabeth Mitchell, Marsha Higgs,
Il,enae Travelstead., and Susan Sons.
The Girl. Scouts expressed a desire for the ordinance of keeping the town
clean be enforced more than it is now being done,
Mr. Harry, the tax evaluation consultant made the 17enort that the evaluation
project was 90' complete, FIe said 'care were some exceptions where the
taxes are too high, and that some would come down while others would be
going up. His opinion is to use the figure of 50o of the valuation be
used for the rendition, City Attorney Sullivan recommended. 50% valuation
anrd lower the rate from .900 or'.'the 100.00. Motion was made by Cooker and
seconded by Gentle -that Mr. Barry be paid $3000.00 the 1st of June, 1971 and