05/17/1971-CC-Minutes-RegularDue to the fact that the Brazos. Electric System and its em® ployees have acted in Sanger's excellent tradition of concerned citizens assisting and promoting the City of Sanger and the Sanger School District, the City Council wishes to commend them, and the City Secretary is instructed to have this Resolution published in the Sanger Courier, so t=.at other concerned citizens may know that their elected representa® fives are very satisfied and proud of the Brazos Electric Company, Unanimously passed t}lis th.e 3rd day lien Cornell, Alayor 13i11 Enlow Jack hall S. Eulalia McDaniel Henry Cooper Bi11 Gentle Councilmen of May, 1971. Motion was made by A9cl:�ane1 and seconded b,y Cooper that the resolution be passed. Motion harried, Mayor Cornell received a telephone call during the session concerning dogs running loose about town, and he was informeCt by the Secretary % at they were being picked up as fast as reported, or the owner was talked to if a complaint had been filed. David Plum, representative of the Fire .DepP,rtment was present and expressed appreciation to the City for their concern of the Fire De® partment. The Fire Department is to have a dinner at Totimy's, Jay 130, 7 p.m. wi,h the Mayor, Council, and City Secretary being invited. Aiotion was made b,y McDaniel and seconded by Hall to give Jerry Mitchell a .�)50,00 raise. Aiotion carried. Aiotion was made by Cooper and seconded by 1:[all to adjourn. Motion carried. C City Secrete►ry A9ay 17, 1971 Alayor The City Cr�tnci.l met in regular session with A9ayor Cornell, and Councilmen Enlow, hall, Cooper, Gentle, and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Others present were City Attorney John L. Sullivan. Jack Bowman, John Coker, �karon Yeats, Airs. Larry Kyle, Ralph Cole' Robert Courtney, Gene Hughes, Sect'. Sebastian, Miss Winnie Seal, and Mr. Carlton Harry, Tax Consultant, along with a group of Girl Scouts, Elizabeth Mitchell, Marsha Higgs, Renae Travelstead, and Susan Sons. The Girl Scouts expressed a desire for the ordinance of keeping the town clean be enforced more than it is now being done, Mr. Harry, the tax evaluation consultant made the venort that the evaluation project was 90D complete, lIe said ere were some exceptions where the taxes are too high, and that some would come (town while others would be going up. His opinion is to use the figure of 50o of the valuation be used for the rendition. City Attorney Sullivan recommended 50% valuation and lower the rate from .900 on.'the $100.00. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Gentle that Air. Harry be paid t3000.00 the 1st of June, 1971 and 15 carried. the remainder of the °�6,000.00 be paid the lst of July, 1971. Motion John Colter met with the council and explained that he had pur= chased a tract of land in Last Sanger across the tracks and a com- mitment Itad been trade to him that all rubbish on this ,plat be buried. lIe requested the council give him permission to cut a road and gravel this road. Aiotion was made by Cooper an�i seconded by Hall that the council give Air. Coker permission to cut this street in the acreage purcktased East of i;he R. R. Aiotion carried. Mr. Bob Courtney, consultant engineer for the sewage plant, re- ported that the race traelc would cost approximately �74,631.00 acid Can -Tex type will be approximately '�78, 9Fi2,00. The original estimate was approximately �68,000, He said the city mould get a �1�21'000, grant and with the sewage bonds of ��$57,000. will come near paying for it, rafter much discussion on I;kae sewage plant Air. Courtney was instructed to work on tFie Can -Tex System and � grant as soon as r�ossible, The bids were opened for gas, oil, work on tires etc. There were five bids to b^ c�nened a:s fol.losys: Sotath Service Stai,ion T. and G. Conoco Enderby Butane Sa�c6er Oil Company Aiotion was made by Cooper and seconded by lYentl.e that Sanger Oil Co. bids be accepted. Afotior.'carried, The water and sanitation rates were discussed and a motion vas made by Hall anti seconded by Cooper that the water rates be raised to ��3.00 minimum for t}te first 3,000 gallons, ,50¢ for the next thousand gallons and ,d0¢ per thousand thereafter. Aiotion carried. It was agreed by the council to delete the penalty for Chatfield's bill and rebill him and the bi11 will be paid. Aiotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Hall to give Bill Carter, City Alarshall, a �35.00 raise retro��etive to Jan. 1, 1971, Aiotion carried. Aiotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Gentle that the city ask that the cemetery road be made into a Farm-to-Aiarket ll.oad, Aiotion carried. laotion was made by En1ow sud. seconded by AicDaniel to adjourn. Aiotion carried. City Secretary June 7, 1971 Aiayor The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Cornell, ;end Councilmen }�nlow, Hall, Gentle, Cooper, and Councilwoman AicDaniel present. Others present wet•e I,';rs. Glenna Kruger, Ralph Cole, Jack AlcGrue, Secy. Jim 5eb�stian, ASrs. Larry Kyle, �.'��II, Xea,tts, Gent Hughes, Airs, Estelle Voss, Miss Beth IVells(clerk� Minutes 6vere read and approved. Disbursements were x•ead and approved, Aiotion by Hall and second- ed by A�icDaniel for bills to be laid. Alotioti carried.