06/07/1971-CC-Minutes-Regular15 serried, the remainder of the ��6,000®00 be paid the 1st of July, 1971, Alotion John Cofer met with the council and explained that ne had purr chased a tract of land in Last Sangctr across t}re tr asks and a com- mitment had been made to him drat all rubbish on this ,plat be buried. lle rec}uestecl tk�e council give him permission to c7it a road and gravel this road. Alotion was made by Cooper anck seconded by hall tkrat the council give Alr. Coker permission to cut this street in the acreage purchased East of she 11. li> Alotion 'carried. A�Sr. 13ob Courtney, consultant engineer for the sewage pla►tt, re- ported that the race tracts would cost approximately �74,631.00 and Can -Tex type will be approximately �78, 902,00. Tlie original estimate rues approximately �68,000, He said the eit,y mould get a �i�21,000. grant and with the swage bonds of s�57,000. will come near paying for it. �-lfter much discussion on (;he sowage plant Air> Courtney was instructed to work on t}ie Can -Tex System and g grant as soon as }possible. Tlae bids were opened for gas, oil, work on tires etc. There were five bids to b�? opened as follows: Soittlr Service Stai,ion T. and G. Conoco Enderby Butane Sa�iger Oil ComS�any Alotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Co, bids be accepted. Alotior.'carried, Gentle that Sanger Oil The water and sanitation rates were discussed and a motion was made b,y hall and seconded by Cooper that the water rates be raised to •p3,00 minimum for the first 3,000 gallons, ,50¢ for the next thousand gallons and .d0¢ k�er thousand t}iereafter. Alotion carried. It was agreed b,y the eou.ncil to delete the lrenalty for Chatfield's bill and rebill him and the bill will be paid, Alotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Hall to give Bill Carter, City A�4arshall, a �35.00 raise retroG-active to Jan. 1, 1971. Alotion carried. Alotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Gentle that the city ask that the cemetery road be made into a Parm-to-A}ax•ket lload, Alotion carried, kt,:otion was made b,y Enlow and seconded by AleDanie]. to adjourn. Alotion carried. City Secretary June 7, 1971 Alayor The City Council niet in regular session with A1ayor Cornell, ;�.nd Councilmen Enlow, 1Ia11, Gentle, Cooper, and Cocancilwornan AicDaniel present, Others present were A;rs, Glenna l�rtt,,�er, 12.alph Cole, Jack i�cGrue, Sect'. Jim Sebastian, Alrs> Larry Kyle, A. '��kl, Yeatts, Gene }lu�;hes, Airs. Estelle Voss, Mliss Beth ��ells�clerk� Alintttes were read and approved, Disbursements were read and approved. Alotion by ljall and second- ed by AicDaniel for bills to'be paid, Dlotion carried. I The 1972 budget was looked over and discussed. The financial. report was presented and discussed. The C-C- Ettes appeal to enforce the .litter laws, it wa"s'auggest® ed that signs be placed stating the city ordinance on littering, Mr, Jack Gheen requested to change his electrical wiring from Sanger Electric to R. E. A. Councilmen asked Mr. Sebastian to meet with Brazos to decide about the problem'of the station needing more power. The Santa Fe Railroad requested that the speed limit be raised for trains coining through Sanger be raised to 50 MPH, Motion wns.made by McDaniel and seconded by Gentle to raise the limit as requested, hIotion carried. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Enlow bo appoint the mem- bers of the Equalization Boad as follows: Firs. Ann Kyle, A. H. Xeatts, and Geese littgiies. Aiction carried. Road constrt�etion was discussed and said to be replaced as soon as possible. Sec,y. �eb�astian was told to check into the park playground equip- ment and park lights. Motion was made by hall and seconded by Gentle that the water ration be set to use. Motion carried. The Small City Association was discussed and approved. Motion was made by McDaniel and seconded by Einlow to join this organization, Alotion Carried. hioti.on was made by Gentle and seconded by tieDaniel to adjourn, Rtotion carried. City Secretary June 21, 1971 Aiayor `1'he City Co?lncil met in regular session with Mayor Cornell, Council- men Enlow, Gentle, Cooper' hall' and Councilwoman AcDaniel present, Others present were: David Plum' James MCGrue, Ralph Cole, and Clerk Beth Wells. P�iinutes were read arid approved. Mr. McGrue gave a brief description on the subdivision ordinances on which he is working. The Sanger Water Well Program was read and discussed. Motion was made by McDaniel and seconded by Gentle to give the bid to Madewell Drilling Company of Denton, Texas. Motion carried. The 1972 Budget was,read and discussed and was approved as a tent- ative Budget. Motion was made by McDaniel and seconded by Hall to accept the 1972 budget. ?Motion carried. The subjectof re-evaluation of Brazos was read �;nd approved. Motion was made by Gentle and seconded by hall to accept the Zoning Commission proposal as to the re -zoning of the John Wilson property, formerly known as the Clarence Masten property. lotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Hall for the regular meet- ing be changed to July 0. Motion carried. due to July 4 holiday)