06/21/1971-CC-Minutes-RegularThe 1972 budget was looked over and discussed, The financial. report was presented and discussed.. The C-C- Ettes appeal to enforce the :litter laws. :Ct�`�att's �u'��;��t- ed tha.t signs be placed stating the city ordinance on littering. hlr, Jack Gheen requested to change iris electrical wring from Sanger Electric to R. E, A, Councilmen asked �Ir, Sebastian to meet with Brazos to decide about the problem of the station nLeding more power. The Santa Fe Railroad requested that the speed limit be raised for trains coming through Sanger be raised to 50 R1PkI, Motion w;s .made by hleDaniel and seconded by Gentle to raise the limit as requested, Adotion carried. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Lnlow bo appoint the mem- bens of the Equalization Bo ad as follows: I,Irs, lLnn I�yle9 ll. 11. Yeatts' and Gene llr.�ghes. hiation carried. itoad construction was discussed and said to be replaced as soon as possible, Sec,y. aebszstian was told to check into the park l.layground equip- ment and park ligluts. Motion was made by Hall and seconded by Gentle that the water ration be set to use. I<4otion carried. The Small City Association was discussed and approved. Motion was made by McDaniel anti seconded by Ij;rrlow to join t}ai:s organization. Motion harried. Alotion was made by Gentle and seconded by McDaniel to adjourn, Motion carried. City Secretary June 21, 1971 Mayor '1'he City Council met in regular session with Alayor Cornell' Council- men Enlow9 Gentle, Cooper' Ilall, and Councilwoman McDaniel present. Others present were: David Plum' James BicGrue, Ralph Cole' and Clerk Beth 11�ells. Ptlinutes were read arcd approved. T,ir. McGrue gave a brief description on the subdivision ordinances on which he is working. The Sanger hater 4Ue11 Progrram was read and. discussed. Motion was made by AlcDaniel and seconded by Gentle to give the bid to Aiadewell Drilling Company of Denton9 Texas, Motion carried. The 1972 Budget was, read and discussed o.nd was approved as a tent- ' ative I;udget. Motion was made by A�IcDaniel and seconded by IIa11 "' to accept the 1972 budget. Alotion carried. The subjectof re-evaluation of Brazos was road ;nd approved. Motion was made by Gentle and seconded by hall to accept the Zoning Commission proposal as to the re®zoning of the John tVilson property' formerly known as the Clarence Masten propertyy> Alotion w�.�s mad.e by Cooper and seconded by Hall for the regular meet- ing be changed to July 8 Motion carried. due to July 4 holiday w David Plum appeared before ers ers know that Cooke County mart vicinity. hlation vas that 1V'erwyn Tueker will be until an active fire Cb.ief tk�e City Council asking that. all dispatehd is not in the Danger Dire Depart® trade by Cooper and seconded by FIall made fire Chief until January 1 or be replaced, tepaortwas made by hir. Enlow about the Small City Association meeting he and her. Gentle attended, Alation was made by Cooper and seconded by Gentle that 13ob 2sicLaughlin be .appointed for a two year term and A. H, Yeatts for a one year term, Aiotion carried. Aiotion was made by Gentle and seconded by lIall to adjaurn, Rlotion carried. July d9 1971 The City Council met in a called meeting, being delayed because of the July 4 holiday. Present were talayor Cornell' Councilmen l:nlow' Gentle, Cooper' and Councilwoman tvleDaniel, (Jack Hall was absent® Others present were: Jim Sebastian, Carlton Itarry� J��ek Bowman, Ralph Cole 9 and Clerk Betti 1Vells, Aiinutes were read and approved, Bills were read �znd accepted. I�iotion was made by Cooper and second- ed by Lnlow to acc�.pt Tommy Czapman onthe zoning c,.mmittee, 1,Iotion carried. Carlton harry gave ►the tax relfort, He gave the assessment value of �?'�33,130.00 The Council proposed that a rendition value 'ail laced at 50� with a rate of .60¢ on the ��100,00, ''� Building.pernii.is �ver�e discussed, It w€is decided th4�t con��ects for water a,nd se�vage taps will be paid when buii.ding pertuits are issued to the builder. I;Iotion was rude by Enlow and seconded by AlcDaniel to accept this arrangement. A�otian oarried, td�otion was made by Coaper and seconded by Lnlow to adjourn. motion carrried, Mayor City Secretary j I