07/08/1971-CC-Minutes-Special154 David Plum appeared before erg erg know that Cooke County ►Went vicinity. Mation was that Werwyn Tucker will be until. an active Fire Chief t�Re City Council asking that. all dispatch is not in the Ganger mire Depart® made by Cooper and seconded by Mall made Fire Chief until January 1 or be replaced. ltepaortwas made by Mr. Enlow about the Small City Association meeting he and her. Gentle attended. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Gentle that Bob McLaughlin be,appointed for a two year term and A. H. Yeatts for a one year term. Motion carried. Aiotion was made by Gentle and seconded by lIall. to adjourn. Motion carried. `L'he City Council met in a called meeting, being delayed because of the July 40 holiday. Pres6nt were Mayor Cornell' Councilmen Enlows Gentle, Coopers and Councilwoman McDaniel. (Jack hall was absent). Others present were: Jim Sebastian, Carlton Barry, Jack Bowman, Ralph Coles and Clerk Beth Wells. M inutes were read and approved. Bills were read and accepted. Aiotion was made by Cooper and second— ed by Enlow to accc>pt Tommy Chapman outhe zoning c.,mmittee. Motion carried. Carlton Harry gave the tax rel}ort, Ile gave -the assessment value of �$1,833,130.00 The Council proposed that a rendition value b placed at 50% with a rate of .600 on the $100.00. Building.perniits were discussed. It was decided that connects for water and sewage taps will be paid when building permits are issued the builder. Motion wajride by Enlow and seconded bbyAlcDaniel to accept this arrangement. Motion carried. Motion was made by Cooper andandseconded by Enlow to adjourn. Motion carried. 2�layor City Secretary to I �