08/02/1971-CC-Minutes-SpecialIi The City Council met in a special council meeting here Monday night. Present were Mayor Protem H. D. Cooper, Councilmen Enlow, Gentle, Hall, and Councilwoman McDaniel. Also, present was City Secretary Jim Sebastion, Subjects Discussion of the resignation of the following city employees, 1. . A] 47 Gober The resignation was acceptede .,nd a motion was made by Jack Ball ana seconded by Mrs. McDaniel to cm�loye Mrs. Sue Cook as office Secretary, Motion was carried 100 per cent. Bill Gentle made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Enlow and carried, 'Phe City Council met in a regular session, Thursday August 5. Present were Mayor Cornell, Councilmen Ball, Gentle, Enlow, Cooper, and Councilwomen McDaniel. Others present were City Secretary Jim Sebastion, Ralph Cole, Mr. James McGrue, Airs. Ann kyle, Mrs. Bruce Anthony, V.11. Ward and D. Field. Minutes were read and approvell Disbursements were read over. Motion by Cooper and seconded by'hleDaniel to pay these bills, Motion carried. The Subdivision Ordinances were read. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded b,y Enlow to table subdivision until next council session, Motion was carried, V, 11, _ Ward Jr. submitted a preliminary subdivion pla# for Council approval for; Street acceptance utility services, plat layout, & drainage design. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Enlow to table Mr. Ward's plat until a later date. The motion was carried. Motion was made by Ball and seconded b,r Gentle to adjourn . The motion was carried. City Secretary