08/05/1971-CC-Minutes-RegularAugust 5, 1971 The City Council met in a regular session, Thursday August 5. Present were Mayor Cornell, Councilmen Hall, Gentle, Ealow, Cooper, and Councilwomen McDaniel. Others present were City Secretary Jim Sebastion, Ralph Cole, Mr. James 111eGrue, Mrs. Ann Kyle, Mrs. Bruce Anthony, V.H. Ward and D. Field. DisUursements were read over. D iotion by Cooper and seconded by'hicllaniel to pay these bills. Motion carried. The Subdivision Ordinances were read. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded b,y Enlow. to table subdivision until next council session, Motion was carried. V. H. 1Vard Jr. submitted a preliminary subdivion play for Council approval for; Street acceptance utility services, plat layout, & drainage design. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Enlow to table Mr. 1Yard's plat until a later date. The motion was carried. Motion was made by Hall and seconded b,r Gentle to adjourn The motion was carried.