08/16/1971-CC-Minutes-Regular156 August 16, 1971 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Ken Cornell, Councilmen B. Enlow, B. Gentle, H. Cooper, J. Hall, and Councilwoman Mrs. McDaniel. Other members present were City Secretary Jim Sebastion, .Arnold Lynch, Bill Carter, Woodie Forster(Brazos , Ralph Cole, V.H. Ward, and A. Kyle. I. Minutes were read and apprived0 II. Sanger Electric: Ttate deposit policy schedule accepted. Aiotion was made by Enlow and seconded by Gentle and was carried. N,es idential Venter $25.00, Homeowners $15.00, house trailer (no wheels)A$25.00 (on wheels) 635.00. Apartments $35.00 Commercial Business i 11 Cafe Service Station �25.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Connect Charge on N.�w Service B,esidential (saw Set �$25.00 Business (per Chart) minum. $25.00 Inspective Fee (collected by City) $7.00 Reconnect Fee 3.00 Guard Light Qa6e4u ®m per mo, not mentioned 2.00 per mo. mentioned Cost plus 20% if customer wants limits. purchase one and use in city to on�erN 4$5.00 III. Annual Audit: Close out fiscal year 1971. Motion made by Cooper and seconded by Hall and carried. (Smith &Baines assoc.) Service Calls (trouble is on Cust IV. City Ordinance: A4otion made by- A3cDaniel and .seconded by 1ia11 and carried to continue ordinance studies and recommends for Council approval. for City ordinance. Study: plumbing code, electrical ddde, building code and personnel policies. V.:Nickersons's l'arms::City of Sanger to particif,ate in n Engineering feasibility study for a Sewage transmission Connection line from the City of Sanger to Nickerson's Farm. Motion eas made by McDaniel and seconded by hall and carried. VI. Bids for 1972 police Carr: Motion made by McDaniel. and seconded by Gentle and carried® Specifics: Eng. 340 to 370 cubic inch (reg. Gas) 2 Barrel , Air Conditioned, power steering, automatic; transmission, 4 doors, Custon body with vynal interior. 157 SangerBudget accepted. and seconded by Hall carried. VIII. Personnel: The Council reviewed nine applicants and accepted Mrs. Jack Armstrong (ful time) and Mrs. Suz Cook (part time and bookee'per). Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Gentle and carried. Motion was made by Enl.ow too adjourn and Cooper seconded. Ii i Council ok's purchase of (6) Six Folding chairs. September 9, 1971 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor I{en Cornell presiding. Councilmen present were J. hall, U. Cooper' D. Fn1ow9 . Gentle, and Mrs. McDaniel. Others present were City Secretary Sebastian9 Beth t`11ells9 V.FI. Ward, Icleryyn fucker' David glum, and l�alph Cole. I. The minutes of the previous meeting were reed and approved. II. The disbursements were approved on'a motion by Bill Gentle and seconded by Jack klall. It carried. III. The motion was made by Jack I1a11 and seconded by Mrs. McDaniel that the 1971 tax assesserrient and rate be_as follower 50% assessement value and. GO¢ rate for 1971 taxes. It carried. V. Fire Departmentt The fire r3.epartment is reor,rcanizating the administrative body as follows: Fire Chief Tucker®mAdm. Oead/Dept. head 3 Assist. chiefs' ®® Appointed by fire dept. V. Police Department: W police car ha.ds were o erred and. ifILTG_FOT1D of :�'ilot Point was awarded. the bid (bid 3057.29�. The motion was made by Jack hall and seconded by B111 Gentle to award the bid to Hiltz Ford and it carried. VI. Parr: The litter problem at the park was discussed. and. the council