09/09/1971-CC-Minutes-RegularI V11. 1972 City pf Sanger Budget accepted. Motion was made by Mc Daniel and seconded by Hall and carried. VIII. Personnel: The Council reviewed nine applicants and accepted Mrs. Jack Armstrong (ful time) and Mrs. SUE.Cook (part time and bookeeper), Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Gentle and carried. IX. Motion was made by Enlow to adjourn and Cooper seconded. r i Council ok's purchase of (6) Six Folding chairs. City Secretary Riayor September 9, 1971 The City Council :net in regular session with Mayor Iien Cornell presiding. Councilmen present were J. Gall' a. Cooper, B. En1ow, B. Gentle, and Mrs. McDaniel. Others present were City Secretary Sebastian, 13eth l`�'ells, V.H. Ward, Mer37yn lucl�er, David glum, and 1Za1ph Cole. I. The minutes of the previous meeting were reed and approved. II® The disbursements were approved on a motion by Bill Gentle and seconded by Jack Fia11. It carried. III. The motion was made by Jack Hall and seconded by Mrs. McDaniel that the 1971 tax assessement and rate be_o.s follows: 50% assessement value and 600 rate for 1971 taxes. It carried. IV. Fire 1?epartment: `rhe fire department is reor�;anizating the administrative body as follows: Fire Chief Tucker®-Adm. :Oead/Dept. dead 3 Assist. chiefs' ®® Appointed by fire dept. V. Police Department: I'V police car'R.ds were o erred aad IIILTZ FORD of Pilot Point was awarded the bid (bid 3057.29�. The motion was made by Jack Hall and seconded by Bill Gentle to award the bid to Hiltz Ford and it carried. VI. Park: The litter problem at the park was discussed. and. the council �!� agreed on the fo1].orving decision; Bill Carter i,� to contact dtudent body concerning no.t resolve the problems issueing tickets® the High School and talk to the the Iitte:e problem, If thin does the police department will begin VII, New k'ark; `Phe city council agreed to accept and. provide engineering funds for the additional new proposed city little league pork ®® plus the city would apply for a federal grant �HUD�, This motion ryas made by hers, MCDa,niel and seconded by Jack Hall and carried, VIII. Sub®divisions: The council ordinance for the city of Sanger. Sullivan will review the ordiance The motion was made by Bill Enlory carried. Jaelc Hall carried® tentatively accepted the sub -division Howevery the city attorney' John for legal correction and implementation, and seconded by henry Cooper. It macl.e the motion to adjourns seconded by henry Cooper and September 20, 1'J71 The City Council met in regular sessic;n September 209 1971 with Mayor lCen Cornell presiding, Council rnemuers present were B. I;nlorv9 II. Cooper9 Jo Hall9 B, Gentle and Mrs, McDaniel. Others present were City Secretary Jim 5ebastion, Beth 4d'e11s9 Virgil �Jard' Jr, and John Coker, The mj_nutes were read and approved. � financial report ryas presented for B�15�71�® V. H. 1Vard' Jr. submitted to $xe city council for approval9 a street in the 1Vard t�d.di-tion for final acceptance. Mr, 1Vard agreed that the street must meet the sub —division regulatir�n.s® The motion to approve rues made by hire, McDaniel end seconded by hill Gr�ntle. Carried 100�, John Coker appeared before tkxe council to requea-t,that the City of Sanger write and enforce a junk caa° ordiance. Bi11 Gentle moved that this be done. Seconded b� Jacli Hall and carried 100�. The city will prepare a Jnnk Car Orddance and submit it 'to Jotzn Sullivan9 city attorney for legal assistance, i .__� i �.