12-20-71-Resolution-Opposing Open Dumping and Burning of Solid Waste-12/20/1971r SAMPLE RESOLUTION A Resolution in Opposition to r� Open Dumping and Burning of Solid Waste WHEREAS, the City of SINGER desires to assume the responsibilities for solidrrr waste disposal as outlined in the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1970v and WHEREAS, open dumping and burning of solid waste is no longer an acceptable meansLS x of d isposa I; and { WHEREAS, tie rules and regulations of the Texas State Board of Health, Texas Water V I Quality Board, and the Texas Air Control Board prohibits the open burning of solid waste, and.IV j -I WHEREAS, the City of S"'ANGER wishes to update its solid waste management program to comply with the appropriate local, state and federal regulations; Vj THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council go on record in opposition to the open dumping and burning of solid waste and hereb direct the appropriate officials to phase out at the earliest possible date any open dumping and burning of, solid waste at disposal sites within i the City ofand in conjunction with the development of a regional solid waste management plan. 14 Passed and approved by the City Council of the City of ;�'ANGERIV Ve :;VV Texas, this 20 fih day of December, A . D ;, 1971 a r Mayor III IV IV ,� fTEST; 0 r V% { k, II