09/20/1971-CC-Minutes-Regular1, 8 agreed on the following decisiono Bill Carter is to contact dtudent body concerning not resolve the problem' issueing tickets. the High ,school and talk to 'the the litter problem. If this does the police department will bein VII. New Parkecity council agreed to accept and. provide engineering funds for the additional new proposed city little league park ®® plus the city would apply for a federal grant (HUD). This motion was made by Mrs. hCDaniel and seconded by Jack hall and carried. VIII. pub®divisional The council tentatively accepted the sub®division ordinance for the city of Sanger. However, the city attorney, John Sullivan will review the ordianee for legal correction and implementation. The motion was made by Bill Fnlow and seconded by Henry Cooper. It carried. Jack Hall made -the motion to adjr;urn, seconded by Henry Cooper and carried. Mayor City secretary September 209 1971 he City Council met in regular aessicn Septernber 20, 1971 with Mayor 15en. Cornell presiding. Council meuiuers present were 13. Pnlow, i1. Cooper, J. Hall, B. Gentle and Mrs. McDaniel. Others present were City Secretary Jim Sebastion, Beth Wells, Virgil 'Ward, Jr, and John Coker. The minutes were read and approved. financial report was presented for V. H. Ward, Jr. submitted to be city council for approval, a street in the ��Jard flddition for fi_na1 aceeptance. �1r. ��Jard agreed that the street must meet the sub®division regulations. The motion to approve was made by Airs. McDaniel and seconded by Bill Gentle. Carried 100%. John Coker appeared before the council to request,that the City of ti�anger write and enforce a junk car ordiance. Bill Gentle moved that this be done. Seconded by Jack Hall and carried 100 . 'rile city will prepare a Junk Car Orddance and submit it to John ;Sullivan, city attorney for legal assistance. I j 'l The council agreed to pay wInnie Sealfor I week vacation. henry Cooper made th,� motion, seconded by Mrs. McDaniel and carried. Lill Gn1ow moved the council adjourn, seconded by A h4eDaniel and carried. Uctober 4, 1971 The city council met in regular session October 4, 1971 with Jayor Ken Cornell presiding. Council members present were J. Hall, B. Gentle, 1I. Cooper, and Airs. McDaniel. Others present were City Secretary Jim Sebostian, Beth Wells, Bill Carter, George McCracken, Jesse A. Coffey,<nnd Ralph Cole. �he minutes of 9�20�7I were read and approved. The traffic problem at the corner of 5th and Bolivar was discussed and a committee composed of Bud Gentle, Art Seely, and II. K. Armstrongwas appointed to survey the problem and suggest possible solutions for correcting the problem. The Planning and Zoning �'ornmission of Sanger recommendeel that the classification of the proerty described below be changed from RESIDENTIAL to LOCAL RETAIL e Burgess Addition (;astride of I-351+;): Lot 106A (300' deep; J31ock 14 - Lots 95, 950; Block 15 - Lots 079 dB, d9, 90, 95, 979 100, 104. l Tlughes Addition (la;astside of T-35E): Block 4, Lots 1, 2, > Block 3, Lot 2; Lot 79-1. Bebee Survey (Eastside of 1-35E): Tract 78, 79-1977 (300° deep. Tierwester Survey (1'Jestride of I-351V) hots 919 92; Tract 25, 7�/L, 77 (300' deep. The Commission members also recommend that the zoning classification of the property described below be changed from RT;SIl��N'1'I_�L to LUC�1L 3USINESS: TI. Tierwester Survey p. dee TI. Tierwester Survey deep. (Lastside of I-35L) Tract {,�23 (455' (�'•Tertside of I-35`V) Tract #28 (300' Hall made the motion and Jack Henry Cooper seconded that the recommendation be accepted. Carried