10/04/1971-CC-Minutes-RegularThe council agreed to Day winnie Sealfor I week vacation. Henry Cooper made the motion, seconded by Mrs. McDaniel and carried. Bill En1ow moved the council adjourn, seconded by3rs. RlcDaniel and carried. October 4, 1971 �Phe city council met in re�uiar session October 4, 1971 with Mayor Ken Cornell presiding. Council member; present were J. Ball, B. Gentle, II. Cooper, and Airs. McDaniel. Others present were City Secretary Jim Sebostian, Beth Wells, Bill Carter, George A)cCracken, Jesse N. Coffey,�nnd Ralph Cole. t Iie minutes of 9�20�71- were read and approved. Tb.e traffic problem at the corner of 5th and Bolivar was discussed and a committee composed of Bud Gentle, Art Seely, and I1. K. Armstrong was appointed to survey the problem and suggest possible solutions for correcting the problem. The Planning and Zoninp� ('ornmission of Sanger recommended that the classification of the proerty described below be changed from RESIDENTIAL to LOCAL RETAIL* Burgess Addition (Eastside of I®35E)t Lot 106A (300' deep); 131ock 14 Lots 95, 950; Block 15 ® Lots 079 001 09, 90, 95, 971 1009 104. Ilughes Addition (Eastside of I®35E)t Block 4, Lots 1, 2 „ Block 3, Lot 2; I,ot 79®1. Bebee Survey (Eastside of I®35E): Tract 78, 79®19 77 (3001 deep . J II. Tierwester Survey (1Vestside of I®351V) lots 91, 92; Tract 25, 7�A, 77 (300' deep. �'he Commission members also recommend that the zoning classification of the property described below be ebo.nged from TtT;SID��N`1'I iL to LOCAL BUS INES SpR 11. Tierwester Survey (Eastside of I®35E) Tract -#-23 (458° deep® II. Tierwester Survey (Westside of I®35`) Tract #28 (300' deep. Jack IIa11 made the motion and Henry Cooper seconded that the recommendation be a.ecepted. Carried �60 A Personal Policy document was accepted by the council on a motion by Jack 1-Iall, seconded- by A9xrs. JuIcDaniel with. the fo_ilowiug .changes: 5 day sick leave' 1 weep vacation 1st year and 2 weeks vacation after 1st year, It carried. The time of council meetings was changed to 7:00 on _a motion by I3i11 Gentle and. seconded by llenry Cooper. Carried. The council meeting adjourned. �P,ECIa�I, C(�iTNCII� SESSION October 139 1971 The City Council was called into special 1971. b�ayor Ken Cornell presided and the other present were J® Ha119 B. Gen-tle9 Ii. Cooper' B. Others presezxt were Jim Sebastian9 City Sec,, Air, Shcwn9 Johnson' Carpenter' `!gree9aDension session on Oetober 15y council members Lnlow' and Airs. A;IcDaniel® John Sullivan' City attorney' and Falls, `Phe Nickerson's -F'nrm Sewage project line was discussed. Skelly Ul Co. agrees to extend 9000 ft. of sewer line from approx_e 4th St, to Nickerson farms at NO financial cost to the city of Sanger. However, Skelly ('il Co. �Vil.l receive Developers Pro Rata; agreement to be rlocuxvented bar John Sullivani city attorney. Aires, AicDaniel made the motion to accept the agrrement and it was seconded by Bill Gentle --carried. Regarding the sewer Treatment Plant' the motion was made by 13i11 Gentle and_ seconded by lIenry Cooper to relocate tlxe sewage plant south approx, 100 ft, from present planto Joe falls will deed property to city for exchange of present acres, It carried. `etober 1B� 1971 The S��nMer. city council met in regular session tviondc�y' October 1II, 1971a Atayor I�en Cornell presided and other council nzembe�s present `were Air.,;, AicDaniel' IIe Cooper, �, Gentles B, Fnlo`v' and J, Hall. Others present were Jim Sebastian, City Sec,' lZalph Cole and Beth 1l�ells s clerk. The minutes of 7.0�4�71 ��' '-��'"/`" were read and. accepted. Concerning Aioving permits it was decided that the fee for moving permits (r„�50,00� is for the permit U_NI,Y and there would be no re-imbursement to Brazos or Telephone Co. In order for the books .to be balanced the auditors rerluested that the co�.:.ncil declare <j7679,94 as bad debts for the yea._�s 1969- 70 and 1970-71, Alrs , Aici)aniel moved that this be done 9 s,econdecl by Jack :Gall--carriedo Bill �'nlo�i moved that Henry Cooper be appointed mayor pro -tom, It vas seconded by Bill Gentle and carried. e `1'he rrzotion to adjourn was made by Bill Enlow and seconded by Jack Ilall--carried,