10/18/1971-CC-Minutes-Regular160 A Personal Policy document was accepted by the council on a motion by Jack Hall, seconded. by Mrs. McDaniel with the following changes: 5 day sick leave, 1 week vacation 1st year and 2 weeks vacation after lst year. It carried. The time of council meetings was changed to 7*00 on a motion by Bill Gentle and seconded by henry Cooper. Carried. 'flxe council meeting adjourned. SI ECIl b CUTJNCIL SNSSION October 13, 1971 The City Council was called into special 1971. Mayor Ken Cornell presided and the other c THE NICKERSON'S FARM SEWAGE PROJECT Sewage project line was discussed. Slcel.ly Oil Co. agrees to extend 9000 ft. of sewer line from approx. 4th St. to Nickerson Farms at NO financial cost to the city of Sanger. However, Skelly C'iI Co. Will receive Developers Pro Ratas agreement to be documented by John Sullivan) city attorney. Mrs. McDaniel made the motion to accept the agreement acid it was seconded by Bill Gentle®®carried. Regarding th.e Sewer 'Preatment I'l.ant, the motion was made b;y 13i11 Gentle and seconded by Henry Cooper to relocate the sewage plant south approx. 100 ft. from present plant. Joe balls will deco property to city for exchange of present acres. It carried. October 18, 1971 The Stanger city council met in regular session Mondr:.y, October 189 1971. Mayor I en Cornell presided and other council members present Arere Mr,;. McDaniel, H. Cooper, B. Gentle, B. Enlow, and J. Hall. Others present were Jim Sebastian, City Sec., Ralph Cole and Beth 1Vells, clerk. The minutes of 10/4/71 were read and. accepted. Concerning Moving permits it was decided that the fee for moving permits (050.00 is for the permit ONLY and there would be no re®imbursement to Brazos or Telephone Co. In order for the boolts,to be balanced the auditors 'requested that the co .ncil declare 7679.94 as bad debts for the yea> s 1969® 70 and 1970®71. Mrs. McDaniel moved that this be done, sreconded by Jack Hall®®carried. Bill Lnlov; moved that Henry Cooper be appointed mayor pro®teffi. It vas seconded by Bill Gentle and carried. T he motion to adjourn was made by Bill Fn1ow and seconded by Jack hall®®carried.