01/31/1972-CC-Minutes-Special.� it i5e�'en nc�XEabex•� anect ��itf► i;he Caxanei 1 t;o discaas. their y°o; �^iblo :F'utu#;e indn; trial 'le�reloy��n�P; nortta o � ,�Qo.t7�er, �Che Council �;,djot�arned. �pe�ial Caaaacacil `�ess�on `l'kae Co��cicil t^�o.s c,=.11ed into .;f>ecial. session Ja.n. ��1, 197�, h4ayo_r� Cornell presided and ottaer council ner,�bers pre,�3erx�t wore �nlow, Cooper, Gentle and %fcDaniel. J, Mall ��l�xs absent. Others prese�����t +rose �obastia,n, l�ub�an)�s, a»cl f'�ruet��sr. '.trinity lt�iver lfaatiaority; Contrr_�.ct afree�aent 1'0,, ��a.rf;icipation in the :hate oi' `Pe as .7wtver con. trnetion ��c o,��ply i'o:�• J oa.n. �lf:�provc�l� �-��otiorc by Geix�4;1Fa ��n+f �;econded by nlo�rr. Carried.. i+�eburary 7 1971 `)'he �fa.n�cr City ��ouncil tie t i.n re�tc1?r session �oexdz�.y l�'eb. P.fayor Cornell presided and other council r�ernbers present were Cfentle, t3tcf)anie]., I1a119 Cooper ancf r�1ow, Otl�.ers faresent were 3ebastin, Cole, �'�Jel.1s, hr, l�,eed, and Gobdn�er. Tl_xc �c n.���tes of 1 •-17-'7� xarore reed and approved , Piotiorx x•ras }��s.cie by iTentJ_s ���ad secoraclecf by Cooper 3'or a���ra�*r:�l. of c�isE�t�rser�e�a�t;�. ��'�otion carried, City ordinances: /)..�Jaanli rar® ht. tion by Crnbtle, seconded by �ia11. Carried, 13, A_nit®Litter ®� i4fotion by h�1ci)aniel seconded by Cooper, CorY•a.ed_. C. Live:,toolr ®® i�iota.on by tall and ,�ecorcded by )Jnl��v. Car��ed, �l'h.e council adjourned. NOI+;t ftx°, lt,eect proscnted several problerirs 1'ox• d_iscnssion per® tain�n�, to h,he envir�onn�>nta�_ condi-bons in the b1ac� populace ox �a.n�er. . ot�<,x enc. _ x. i!.rr, heed pre�ent�cta_on t+ra�.s prezented xor council .�,� >�;� February 71, lO"72, �['fae city council of ��n�;ex° net in reaxla.r session on �rond<�a,y, �'eh. �1, 7.9'7�a i��ayor Cornell presided. Other council �aes�bers pre;�ent�r� were FTall, L``r�!)anic.l, (Yerctle, k�rRlo�'r, ,nn�3. Coopex a Others,`~�ebastian and Cole® f�iea�xtes of �®'7�i2 Gvere re,7d a�icf af�f�roved. Council dee�alod Lha.t all delicfuent taffies will b<� accused and delia,uent notices nailed to deligaaent ixolders. Mfrs, �;9ci�a�xiol ��-as authorized to purchase equi,�nent f'or tfte f�arl�, i;�otion was rudcfe by txenf;lo sand seconded by Cooper. Carried. `Phe ecauncil ad.jo�ea.rned_,