02/21/1972-CC-Minutes-Regular,� it e�ea�a �aeca�bers naect witty f;kae. Counci). to discus:; their po:�ti:ible fut�u�e ittctuct�'ial developr�r�ta�l; nortta. o� ���.ra�;er, `1'tte Co�i�acil ;adjourned. �tac�i_al Courtci_1 `�ess�on Ttae Council s•�as c��.11ed into s��ecial ses;�ion Jan, iil, lg7�d R�9e,yor� Coar°raell presided and other council rraerabea�s t)resent were �nlo�r' Cooker 9 Gentle and hie Daniel . J . 1'-1:0.11 avo.� F�b�e�t> Other. o �1'e��ont `VE^Y'C �)ebaat7any ''-'l��)�t1�.39 El.tll� i'�Y'U'�'P:).3^, '7'rirtit 1+,fiver 11ittFaoa�•it�: Contra,et a�roc>t�.�ni; �o°• t�ra:�'iiciAr�,tiora in the �t►�te of 'I'e.���as �7�tver construction t� at►t)l;y for :loans 11Aa�x°ovo►i� motion by fxet�tle �n,a �;econded by ��nloa�r, Carried. 1�ebttrary 7 197 `l'tte :>an��cr City ``�ourtcil r�aet i.n re�ulrar ses.:�ion hiond<sy l�ebm P�)ayor Cornell t�re�ai.d.ed and otE�aer council rcae►ber;� nrP3ent ovate gentle' htcllaniel.' [loll � Cooney ant �nlo�, Cth.ers 1)resent Fveare .�ebastiran, Cole s lsle7_ls, hair. tAeecr, and Goocl�er. I'he a�aa.ut,es of 1•-1'7—'7� �^rare read and annrovecl, �otiota ryas r�aacle by �fea�tle .^�►icl seconded by Coot)e_r i'or a�t�rotTrc7. of disi��a.r ser>aent.�� . motion. carded , City ordinra,nces: /4_,.Junt� car— 19: tiori 1)y Cxnbt;le' secotzdecl by Ball, Carried. B, li.nit®Litter --�n I,:!otiora by hlcl)anie7. �ecnndac by l;ooA�er. Ca,::^riod® C, Livestoct� —® Rtiotion by I=[all and �econd.ed by J�nl�ay. Cax��ed® `A'b.e council adjourned. NO"�L: hire l_t,eed �reea��ted >everal ttroblents for• discussion trier® tainz�ra� to h,t�te ettvir�ontnental. conditions in the black not)ulace of `�on,�er. ;fir, l3eed lire vent�►ti_on 1°r�l� 1�re�ented 'or council ati�*,x'e►ae�a��o 1+ebruar,-y �19 137 �f'tte city cotcncil oS' C.an,�;er me t it_t reul.a.t~ sess:i.ora oti Monday' t?eb. 21� 1972,. h'��ayor L"ornell ns•esideda (}�therc council. r��ettabors nre��cnt� s+rote ITall � LE�)anic;l s trettL-l.c� 9 l�nloFr' ;rnc). Coop�cr, t)ther� � `��ebastira,n and Coles hin7a.L-es o:i �®7��'7�? ovate rp�acl a�ad at�trroved, Council deercted l,lrat rill deligatent tares avill 1)e accttred arad deli.o�uent notices .r,�a.iled to delictuent holder:>. hits. hticl)ab�ai el ti°:gas a�thori�ed to nurctaase eclui,�racrat or_ the j)arlc, ;,potion. eves a�ad,de by Cxe'c��t,le and secoeaded by Cooney. Carr led, `fhe council adjoaar_ned.