03/06/1972-CC-Minutes-Regulararch 69 1972 T110 Council of Sanger met in .regul,a.r session Monday, Ala.rco a, 1972. 1.11ayor Iken Cornell presided. Othe-o council yembers present were Cooper, Gentle, Bnlow, McDaniel and Hall. Others present were, Cl �Oebastian, Sbawn, and Cole. The minutes of Feb. 2-11 1971 were read and approved. '11hure was a motion made by Gentle and seconded by 1[all to pay disbursements. Carried. General business: �. �=�.pril lst election ballot positions: Prl.yor Cecil Jones Kenneth Corne]_1 Council: .L. "W11" Bnlow ack Hall Guy Bennett B. Gewer Clutfa.11 line: GenerF�l presentation and discussion. Tbere was a motion by i.<+.11 �znd seconcl.ed by Gentle to adept t3.e Condemnation ordinance, Carried. `Cb.e coianci.l adjourned..