03/20/1972-CC-Minutes-Regular0 MI The Council of Sanger met in regular session Alonday, 20, 1972. Mayor lien Cornell presided. Other Council members present were Cooper, Gentle, lnlow, McDaniel$ and Hall. Others present were Sebastian, Shawn, and Cole. Tyre Alinutes of A�arch G were read and approved. The Lone Star as Co. presented a formal contract for renewal of the city franchise ordinance with Lone Star Gas and the City of Sanger. Bill Gentle moved that the ordinance be tabled until John L. Sullivan, City Attorney, could review and%express on opinion of the document. Seconded by Henry Cooper, Carried. The council we.s presented. a review � presentation of sewer treatment put, water a stem, sever line & election notici hes. An executive council meeting teas called by Aiayor lien Cornell for a general discussion of city problems. No action taken. Henry Cooper moved that the meeting be adjournied, seconded by Jack Hall. Carried. The council of S�.nger rnet in regular session Monday-; :�pril i, 1972. Mayor Tien Cornell presided. Other Council members sent were Hall, Bennett, Cooper,,, McDaniel, and Gentle. Others prent were Sebastian, Cole, rialey Oaeeil--Lorne Star Gas Co., and AIu' Business: The election results of 1lpril City election, were canvassed by Bill Gentle, Henry Cooper, and l:{rs. ,i'. A3cDaniel; iZe Its ICenne° or 11 V� S Cecil Jones 130 Counc � Votes /)mnadeby k all 216� Bennett 174 y°dilson �l';rite-In� 1 Moe by Bill Gentle to ac ept tine election results. The motnded by Cooper. Carried. Motion irs. McDaniel that a plaq of service be presented to Billotion was seconded by Gent Carried. Airs. cDaniect appropi.ate people for plaq e. Cooper made the motion that the 26 year Fromebise Ordinance with Lone Star Gas & the City of Sanger be accepted. The motion was seconded by AicDaniel . The Ordinance is filed in City Records Ordinance file. `l'he�notion was carried.