06/19/1972-CC-Minutes-Regularb�iL;hBHN„� k'R1i;S1;N'1':.: Cornell, Gentle, Cooper9 P;icDaniel' Ha11' Kennett Others Present: N, 1lrmstrong, J.Coker9 V. 1'�ard'Jr. > li,alpt:� e;ole, Ii, k�asley' B, Feady' L11a 1Ia11, and 111vin i3rowu; General Business:' A�inutes of 0-5-72 meeting approved, . The disbursements were approved on motion b�� Jack hall aid seconded by �,�r:�. 1�eDaniel, Henry Cooper moved.' seoonded by Jack 1-�a11 that a 30 x 30 con- crete slab be l�td on 2nd Street near the Virgil I'lard Co, barn to alleviate the drylinage provlem, R1r, t;�ard offered to pay �100,00 on the expense of the s1ai�, Hel �rmstrong9 city tax assessor-collector9 presented t12e tax rep- ort as follows: 1971 taxes due: 229727,69 1971 taxes cii�lec"ted: 19 y 751.29 1971 taxes sti11 due=� 2,97G,d0 86.9� Collee�ed, Delinquent Taxes 1939-1971= 119251,�4 1935-1971== 7,450,54 The Council instructed her to mail 1971 delinquent tax state- ments and n1ai1 out o%hers as possible. .letter from the Texas h�Iunicipal league was read concerning t{re preparation of a,n analyses of the proposed I:,'onc Star G,�s Co, rate increase reggest. Tk�e council decided they were not interested in participating. The Planning and Coning Commission recommended the following: �1� '1'hfLt the City Council approved the previously sub- mitted orignnal �ropos'ed portien of play of 1Tillcrest 1ldditiota9 with the exception that tz�e developer' Gene IIugir�es' conform to ��.11 current re �;ulations set forth in the Sanger Sub -Division Ordinance9 «*ith the exdep- tion of the placement of sewer lines, {' (2� That building codes be more a�ringently enforced. b3€ meeBs of more rigid enfoi�ednYent of the issuance of building permits' and that :i'ollowup inspections be '.--, made to insure that builditag ordinances are complied with. hits. AicDaniel moved tPae recommendation be accepted' seconded by henry Cooper. Carried. It was moved by hire. A�icDan�el9 seconded by Hill Gentle to change the next council meeting date to J»ly 6 from July � due to July 4 tiveek- end, The Council instructed Pairs. �.rmstrong to have four (d� vaay stop suns replaeed at corner of tiVillo�v �YYd 2nd Street. The folloavitYg citizens were appfiinted to an advisory committee -to meet with tiae planning and zonin� meml,ers an�i consulting engineer to establish the scope and abjectives of Comp, study:. t�alph Cole Johnnie �iae Johnson Thomas R�ioore • Bill Enlow ivayne Dickens harry Bell h�arcellino Villanueva Glenda Bennett Jack 13a11 moved to ad�ourn9 seconnded by Pairs. McDaniel, carried. M1�y0It n